Saturday, January 4, 2014

Our Last Night

One of my favorite movies, of all time, is Father of the Bride. There is a moment in the movie where Annie realizes that her life is about to change. Not for the worse, but it's going to change. She talks about how it's her "last night" in her room, with her things. It's her last night as a kid. 

I had this moment tonight. It's our last night in our "home." We drove by our house tonight, and the renters were moving in, and I saw some kids playing in Beckham's room, and it just struck me. Like it's not our house anymore. It is, but it isn't. I got teary eyed, and quickly chose to think of other things. It is strange knowing that we aren't going to drive these roads for awhile, or do the things we've done for years. All along I have been able to remain fairly calm about moving. In reality, I just don't let myself think about it. I'm just going through the motions. I don't think about all the family we leave behind, our friends, our house, our life here. And if I do, I quickly move on to other things. It's just too hard. 

These next pictures are the progression of moving out of our house. The movers came and literally had 80% of our house packed up by noon on the first day.

After the movers were there the first day, it was clear that we wouldn't be staying as long as we had hoped. Off to the hotel we went…for nine nights...

We tried our best to pack stuff for the kids to do. But it's hard when you have 9 suitcases that you are filling with necessities for three weeks. Most of the stuff in our luggage is clothes. We had to pack for staying in the cold weather for a week, and pack clothes for warm weather when we get down there. The movers also informed us that they couldn't ship anything liquid or medicine. No lotion, toothpaste, shampoo, nothing. We had to do some difficult pairing down, and we still have an entire suitcase of this stuff. We threw out a TON of stuff. 

Good bye house. It was weird being in our empty house. We moved in when Cayden was three months old, and we are moving out when Beckham is 6 months. 

Living in a hotel means you pretty much have to eat out all the time. We are really tired of fast food. But Cayden had his first milkshake, he's not complaining.

He also loves the hotel. He likes eating breakfast or dinner at the hotel. He had a moment a few days in, where he wanted to go to "Cayden's House." And we had to tell him, that he was getting a new house, and that we wouldn't be going back to the old one for a long time. Again, I try not to think about these moments too long. I'm an ugly crier. 

Having both kids sleeping in the same room has been difficult. Beckham has done pretty well. He gets up twice a night. Cayden has been the pistol. He goes to bed, and then wakes up in the middle of the night, crawls into bed with Heath or I, and then it takes him 1-3 hours to go back to sleep. UGH. 

Today he did a lot of walking around the hotel with Heath's mom and aunt. But no nap. Well, he ended up passing out in the car on the way to get dinner. He was so tired that we put him on the couch at JeJe's house, and even when we said "Milkshake" he barely made a budge. He did eventually wake though. 

This is the container that holds most of our stuff. We will see it again, in about 3-4 months. 

We are ready, I suppose, to start our new life. It's scary. Scary to do the difficult, to do the different, to step out of our comfort zone. Things will be hard, but at the same time we will be making a lot of fun memories. We will get to see and do stuff that many don't. 

In the last week we have gotten to eat at all the places we love, and gotten to eat with all the family we love. That's what we will miss the most, our family. 

1 comment :

  1. Safe travels! Even though we never see ya it will be sad knowing you aren't just right here and I won't run into you at the pediatrician. Love ya girl!
