Friday, January 24, 2014

Beckham is 7 months old Today!

Beckham is 7 months old today. Really? Look, I know I breezed right over his 6 month post, and sadly there isn't even a picture to commemorate it. We were really busy. But it's crazy to think that he will be a year old in 5 months. He could crawl at any moment (he won't, but he could), he could walk in the near future, he could start saying Mamamamama, and Dadadadada. Crazy.

Beckham for the most part is a very happy baby. See pictures below. He likes to be a part of whatever is going on (I'm not sure who he got that from **COUGH** Heath **COUGH**). He loves Cayden. period. Loves him. 

At his 6 month appointment he weighed 19.04, just a little less than Cayden was. And was 28 inches long! Yowzer! I would say that he will be tall, but the genetics in our families probably won't make that happen. He still has his allergies and I am doing what I have to do to control that. Down here, it's a little harder. There is literally a bakery on every street. And it's not like Rick's (which is lovely) but you walk into these Mom & Pop shops and every square inch is covered in some sort of baked goodness. Breads. Tarts. Pies. Cakes. Cookies. Savory Items. I digress. Back to Beck. 

Once we took Cayden to school this morning we took a few pictures. 

 He has taken the move fairly well. The problem is that we don't have much in our apartment. He only has a few places he can really be put down or in, and he doesn't like them for very long. I can't wait until our air shipment comes in so that we can get his walker and JumperRoo. WOO HOO. Sleeping is hard. We had such a good system before the move, and we haven't be able to replicate it down here. 

He currently eats baby food and cereal twice a day, although if it were up to him it would be all the time. He loves that stuff. He still nurses and we are working on taking a bottle again. For a while he decided it was in his best interest to stick to the boob. However, recently he has become a biter, and it's not a pretty situation for me. 

We are still working on sitting. He's getting better, but not to the point where you could sit him somewhere and leave him. He will still topple and smack his head on the ground, so we continue to practice. 

Beckham's hair is starting to grow back and I think his eyes are one of his best features. If you look closely they are a mixture of blue and brown. Cayden's eyes had gone completely brown by this point, so I'm hoping Beck's stay this color. 

He has recently started clapping. Not intentionally, but he claps his hands together while he lays on the floor. He is hovering between size 3 and 4 diapers. And the 6 month clothes are going to be a thing of the past soon. You can tell he works out a lot, I mean, look at those arms. Gun Show? I think it's more like a Battalion Show… 

I told Heath that we needed to start thinking about 1st birthday ideas. He said we had plenty of time. Obviously he has never perused Pinterest. HA! I know it won't be like Cayden's. We aren't near our family and I can't really go all out with the decor and such down here. I kind of hoping we'll be back in the States in June, so I can just have it up there. :o)

Beckham One Week:

Two Months:

Three Months:

Four Months:

Five Months:

Seven Months:

Sweet Baby Beck - 

How you have completed our family. Your smile and laugh are easily the best parts of my day. I love that I'm getting to spend a little more one on one time with you in the mornings. I am enamored with how much you love Cayden. I hope that you two are the best of friends as you get older. While your patience level is low, I know it's because you just want to be involved. Thank you, Beckham Connor, for being ours. 

Mom and Dad

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