Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Leaving on a Jet Plane

First off, we made it safely to Brazil. The nine days prior to leaving for Brazil were cumbersome at best. Living in a hotel is for the birds if you ask me. If we didn't have kids, it would have been fine, but two kids sleeping in the same room was kind of a nightmare. We were very ready to leave on Sunday just so we could get to our new home and get back into a routine. 

Sunday came, and so did the snow. Of course. Heath kept a vigilant eye on the flights leaving XNA because we only had a small window of time for a layover. As in, our flight could be delayed no longer than 45 minutes. 

The time to leave the hotel came.

We decided to check our stroller and just let Cayden ride in Beckham's car seat (that we were going to use on the flight to Brazil). He loved it!

Car Selfie

Cayden had my phone and took about 75 pictures within 30 seconds. This was the only clear one. 

Snow! We were not sad to leave Arkansas weather. 

We were sad to leave our family, though. Jennifer, Phil, Debbie, and Kenny all came with us to the airport. Thank GOODNESS!! We needed the man power to hoof 9 suitcases, two diaper bags, a breast pump, stroller, two car seats, a go-pod, and a pack n play. Whew! Plus, we just liked getting to see them for as long as we could. Saying good bye at security was pretty rough. I tried to hold it together as best I could. 

 We had to wait about and hour or so for our flight, which was delayed by 45 minutes. 

They had put our seats away from each other. So I held Beckham, and Heath sat in front of us. 

The first leg wasn't too bad. Beckham fell asleep about 1/2 through. We didn't have any problems with ears popping, so I was definitely thankful for that!
We made it to Dallas in time to go straight from one flight to the next. In hindsight I am thankful for this too. We didn't have to entertain Cayden and Beckham. There was no sitting around waiting. 

The flight wasn't 100% full, but as soon as we got on and Heath sat the car seat down in Beck's seat, we knew it wouldn't work. A very nice gentleman was sitting in the window seat, and there would have been no way for him to get out, plus the seat was huge. We traipsed back to the front and gate checked it. 

By a stroke of luck, we couldn't fit the Boppy in any of our luggage, so I had to carry on. It was perfect to put him in. Beckham did okay during the flight. We had some rough goes here and there. But for the most part it was great. In fact, the guy beside us told me that he was a great baby the whole way. Even after Beck fell out of the seat. I was awake most of the time, but had fallen into one of those sleeps where you are nodding off, and then jerking awake. Well, I guess Beckham was twisting and turning, and rolled off the seat into the floor. Don't worry! He wasn't hurt, there were two airline pillows and a blanket to break his fall. oops.

Cayden was our loose cannon. We worried from the get-go about him. Surprisingly, on a 10 hour flight, we slept about 9 of it. Amazing! He used the bathroom like a champ, and did really well! He told Heath he wanted to go to sleep, and he did. 

We made it through customs and here are the three guys with our stuff. I've seen worse. In fact, there were several people returning from the states that had just as much stuff as we did. I'm sure hoarding American goods. I would.

Where we're going, we don't need car seats. Just kidding. I don't think it's a law in Brazil to use them, so we saved ourselves the hassle of trying to install them and drove like this! It's okay, they have since been installed in our rental car. Albeit a little haphazardly. 

So, we made it to Brazil. It's warm down here…They say it's hot (90's). We were just glad to make it, and start living this crazy adventure. I think we will learn a lot about ourselves, our family, and maybe figure out that life isn't about the stuff, but about the people and the memories. 

Tchau meninos e meninas. (Good bye, boys and girls.)

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