Thursday, July 25, 2013

Beckham is one month!

It's amazing that it has already been one month. Four weeks ago we were just getting to meet Beckham and now is has definitely found his place in our new family of four.

Here are his pictures from the first four weeks. Breast milk has done his body least with gaining weight. 

You can kind of see it in the one month photo, but I'm pretty sure he is starting to smile. How did I forget all the new things that babies do?? He's been such a good, and very laid back baby, I might have gotten used to him just sleeping and eating. But now, I think we are going to start seeing personality shine through.

We have had a slight issue as far as diet goes. Last week while I was running errands with Cayden, Heath noticed some blood in Beckham's diaper. He immediately called the doctor who said for me to stop eating dairy and spicy foods. It seemed to help, but I've noticed some trace amounts this week. So we have a doctor's appointment scheduled. Selfishly I would like for them to say it's the spicy food, and not dairy. That stuff is hard to eliminate. I know I could take the easy route and stop breastfeeding and find some dairy free formula. But I know that he's getting a lot of benefit from nursing. SO, out with the dairy. BTW- Did you know that Oreo's don't contain dairy products? Then again, who can really eat Oreo's without a giant glass of milk....ugh. 

I would love to post about how Beckham is already on a schedule and sleeps through the night. But we have been a little more relaxed with him, and I haven't really started thinking about schedules. 

* Beck is now wearing size 1 diapers. My kids gain weight quickly, those newborns weren't going to last long. 
* He's now fitting into his 0-3 month stuff.
* Eats 100 times a day. Not really, but sometimes it feels like it. Really he's pretty consistent with every 2 hours. If he sleeps awhile, I can make it go to 3. Because of his constant eating, there is no telling what he will weigh!
* Sleeps really well. He's currently sleeping in the swing at night, and after the 2nd or 3rd time he wakes, he sleeps in our bed. (Gasp! I know. Keep your thoughts about forming bad habits to yourself.) Most nights he will give me a 3-5 hour stretch. There is a huge difference between waking after two hours, and waking after! 

 Cayden is getting much better about not man-handling Beckham. It gets a little worrisome because when Beck is on the floor or on the bed, Cayden wants to sit right. next to him. So close, you couldn't fit paper between them. 

 I believe his head was mid fall. Don't worry - I caught it. Having two kids makes your reflexes SUPER quick. Having kids not only gains you a superior 6th Mommy Sense, but a nice pouch of flab on your belly. Too much info?

I did this impromptu photo shoot in about 5 minutes. Obviously I would have dressed Cayden in something other than jammies, but it turned out great! When Cayden saw that Beckham had a sticker on his onesie, he wanted one too. So to save all the stickers I will need in the future, I found the three week one. He thought it was sooooo funny to stick it on Beck. Silly kids. 

Fun Fact about Beck: If you see me out in public with both kids, know that I am armed with multiple sets of clothes, and I slew of diapers and wipes for the little one. It NEVER fails that he poops while we are away from home. In the car. Check. Walgreens. Check. Target. Check - I was actually without an outfit for the last one. Thankfully my mom was with me. She changed him in the car, and then we bought an outfit. I think they thought she was weird bringing a new baby with only a diaper on into the store. There I was in the children's dept. ripping a tag off and dressing my kid. Poop happens. For Beckham the world is his oyster. 

Dear Beck-

My how you are growing! You have the softest feet and the most kissable face. You have established your place in our family with ease, and how lucky we are that you are with us. I can't wait to see the changes you make in the next month! I am doing my best to keep you dairy free, and hopefully you will start to feel better in the next few weeks! Thank you for making our family complete!

We love you!
Mom and Dad

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