Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Beckham - Two Weeks

Beckham is settling in and quickly becoming a perfect addition to our family! He had his two week "appointment" on Monday. Really, it's just a weight check and a quick overall look-see. He went in last week and weighed in at 7.12, a little under his birth weight, but nothing out of the ordinary. Monday he came in at a whopping 9.4. Yowzer! Obviously the kid eats like a champ and my milk is good. It's so good that he is eating every 2-3 hours, sometimes a little closer to 2.

The doctor says everything looks good. He does have a little bit of reflux, so we are trying some meds to see if that helps. He spits up a lot, and has a tendency to choke when he nurses. We are trying a few different things to remedy this. 

Sleeping - He sleeps a lot. WAAAY more than Mr. Cayden. He is doing pretty well at night. Last night he went 6 hours between feedings, and slept almost 5. The past few mornings he has woken up around 4:15 to 5 and stays up until 6:30. Then he passes out for a few hours. This is a little rough because Cayden is up and it's not like I can crawl back into bed. Heath has been great to let me try and sneak in a few extra minutes, though.  

There are several differences and a few similarities between these two boys. 
* Both are great weight gainers. 
*They look very similar, although to our trained eyes, they're are significant differences. 
* My approach with each one is different. With Cayden I had read a ton of books on schedules and what to do and what not to do, so I was a lot more anxious and stressed when things didn't go like I thought they should. With Beck we just fly by the seat of our pants. He eats when he wants, sleeps when he wants, and we are pretty relaxed about the whole situation. 
* Beckham sleeps more.
* Cayden had reflux, but not as severe. He never was one to spit up much. 

At two weeks, there is not much to report. Sleep. Eat. Poop. He does all of these pretty well, so I guess we'll keep him. :o)

 To me there isn't much of a difference between these two photos , but I know he is growing. 

Here is the first photo of the two boys. Cayden is really handling the new addition quite well, and wants to hold him more often. It's always good though to have an extra set of hands around when trying to get a shot of these two. You never know when Cayden will decide that he doesn't want to hold his brother anymore and starts pushing him off. 

We have an appointment to look at Beckham's newborn photos tomorrow. I'm super excited!

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