Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Cayden is Two!

There have been several times over the past few weeks where Heath and I have been in awe that Cayden is turning two. Trust me, in the beginning we thought time had stopped and we were never going to get past the no-sleeping baby stage. And then, here we are. Our first boy - Our first baby is now two. 

Here are a few pics from the past year. 

Here he is calling the Hogs! He has gotten much better at this and is fully prepared to cheer them on this fall!

At the pumpkin patch. One of my all time favorite pictures of him. 

Cayden had his two year doctor appointment on Tuesday. He is currently 32 pounds, which has been pretty consistent over the past few months. I can remember a time when he was tipping the scales every month. He is 35.75 inches tall. Both put him in the 95th percentile. Which basically means he's bigger than most two year olds. Most people when they see him think he's three. What can we say? Future football player? I think so!

He wears 2T-3T clothes. It really depends on the brand. He's still in size 5 diapers. 

Likes: Chocolate Milk - by far. In fact, if you ever give it to him, he won't eat anything with it. Max and Ruby (UGH), Peppa Pig, Henry Hugglemonster, Trains, throwing stuff, lawn mowers, Target, Chickfila, DQ, books, iPad, Little Gym, screaming, testing his parents, trying to squeeze his brother...

Dislikes: This one is hard because there really isn't too much that he doesn't dislike. Hear No - He gets in trouble for whining when he his told No.

Abilities: Running, Recognizing letters and numbers, most colors, memory recall.

 Here he is today. "Cheeeeeeeeese!!!" With all the enthusiasm in the world. 

Running. All. The. Time. Nonstop. Energy Ball.

He saw the column outside and apparently thought he could attempt to climb it. 

This is crazy for me to look at. Mentally you know that your kid is growing, but because you see him everyday you just don't notice it as much. And then we went to measure him on Sunday, and there it was. He has grown 6 inches in the last year. What?! 

** Since having Beckham, Cayden sees me nurse him. Usually, he'll walk up and say "Eat." Not that he wants to eat, but that Beck is eating. He really likes the breastpump. Just another machine to him. The other day I was pumping, and he walked into the bedroom with one of the pumps. He lifts his shirt and sticks it over his belly button. He then takes a nursing pad and sticks it down his shirt. I really wish I could have gotten a picture of this!

**One of Cayden's favorite people is my cousin Alex. He's 14 and in Cayden's eyes a ton of fun. I guess the other day Alex was trying to get him to say SHIP, because Cayden doesn't really pronounce the end of words. You can imagine the giggles he was getting. 

Cayden - 

Boy oh Boy! It's hard for us to imagine that you are two! You are fully of energy, determined, persistent, and good natured. While you may not listen to your parents all the time (ever), when you are around your friends you really try to share and be nice. Two years has brought so many changes that I can't really imagine what the next year holds for you. We love your smile, and the way you say Thank You, and when you say Love You, Night-Night. Those are the best. We hope that you grow to love your brother more each day, and that you continue to be the best you. 

We love you!
Mom and Dad

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