Monday, July 1, 2013

Beckam has Arrived!

I will apologize for the lack of pictures. Honestly we took 99% of them at the hospital with our phones, and I am sitting down to update this blog, and I really don't want to get up to find the cords to upload them. I will later. Promise. 

Our day started early. We arrived at the hospital at 5am ready to go! After checking in, getting to room 33 (which is the same room we stayed in with Cayden), it was 7am and they started the Pitocin. We knew the process was going to be long. It took almost 12 hours with Cayden, so I was prepared for the duration. I tried to give Heath a couple of lessons on how to use the "big" camera, and we pretty much decided to go with the trusty camera phone. 

Of course I had an epidural, so it was fairly pain free for most of the day. Heath's mom and aunt came and hung out with us, while my mom and aunt took care of Cayden. The big hiccup came when we figured out the Cayden and Heath both had strep (Heath's turned out to be walking pneumonia). The doctors assured us that as long as he wore a mask, he would be fine. Thank goodness. 

By 4pm I was dilated to a 10. With Cayden I pushed for 2 hours. I was a little anxious about doing that again. When they told me that Cayden was still a little high, I opted to just wait for him to move down further. Even though I had the epidural, those contractions were really starting to hurt. But I toughed it out for another two hours with the hope that he would move and not require as much pushing. It worked. I started pushing at 6 and by 6:18 Beckham Connor arrived! There was some trauma to my nether regions, but all in all it was a success! He weighed 8 pounds 8 ounces and was 21 inches long. 

 Because Cayden was sick, we decided not to have him come to the hospital. My mom had talked the baby up a lot before we arrived so Cayden was excited for the first 3 minutes. I think once he saw everyone taking pictures and ooohing and aaahing over Beckham he got confused and jealous. Add to that it was his bedtime and it just wasn't good. Don't be deceived by these photos. He was not a happy camper. 

Beckham is a week old today! It is amazing how different he is than Cayden, and really how different I am. Beckham is completely laid back and sleeps all the time. Now, I don't mean that he sleeps through the night, but he sleeps. We don't have to walk him, as we did with Cayden. It is so weird how relaxed we all are. I think having Cayden first prepared us in many ways. We, as parents, are more laid back and not so concerned with schedules and such. I know he is getting plenty of sleep. I know he is eating enough - even if it is every two hours - sometimes less, seldom more. The first few days he had his days and nights mixed up. We have been more consistent with putting him in the pack n play at night and during the day, which helps. We don't have to hold him - unless we want to. He was bigger than Cayden, yet seems smaller. We had to go out and buy Newborn sized clothes to fit. Cayden is doing much better. We have to work on him being gentle, but he doesn't seem to mind Beckham being here. 

We are so happy that you are here safe and sound. I love your little hands and soft skin that we are constantly kissing on you. We know this newborn phase will be short in the long run, so we are soaking up every minute of it. I can't wait to see what kind of personality you develop over the next few weeks and months, and I can't wait to see the bond between you and Cayden grow. Thank you for being ours.

Mom and Dad

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