Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Rainy Days

"and Mondays always get me down." Who doesn't love The Carpenters? Honestly, I really love rainy days. Especially in the fall. There is something about the rain and it being a little darker in the house that I find comforting. Mondays - I used to loathe them, but since becoming a SAHM (stay at home mom) I guess there really isn't much of a difference between Monday and Thursday. 

Beckham turned 7 weeks on yesterday, and Cayden will be 25 months tomorrow. Crazy. 

Updates: Cayden - He is still up to his usual antics. He has recently stopped napping. Not every day, but a few times a week he will not go to sleep. I leave him in there for up to an hour and a half. (Right now, he is in there saying, "Me Me Me") I figure that at least he is getting some "quiet" time, and I get some down time as well. Cayden doesn't realize it, but in just a little less that two weeks he will be going to Mother's Day Out two times a week. Woo hoo! I know this will be good for me, but I really think that he will love it. I'm a little worried about his behavior considering he's never really done anything like this before, but I'm sure after a few visits he will be fine! He continues to do well with Beckham. We haven't really had any incidents of too much squeezing or anything.

Beckham: We are still trying to decipher this allergy thing. We went for a two week check on Friday, and there was still blood in his diaper despite my cutthroat efforts of eliminating any and all dairy. We are starting to think he may actually be allergic to something else completely. His Dr. had us go to the hospital to draw some blood so that they can screen for several different allergies. I hope to find out something soon. Let me just say that taking a 2 year old and a 6 week old to get lab work done was terrible. I spent more time trying to keep Cayden out of the hazardous material box and trying to keep him from pilfering lab supplies than anything. Poor Beckham had to be stuck twice in order to get a sufficient amount of blood. 

At a little over 6 weeks, Beckham weighed in at 12.6 pounds. Yowzer! The doctor isn't super concerned yet about this allergy because he is gaining weight so well. Let me say that I have never been more aware of what I am putting into my body. It is not fun. I really, really, REALLY want some chocolate chip cookies and milk. And maybe a malt shake from Sonic. And some Raisinets. I really like dairy products. 

In the last couple of weeks, we have been able to meet up with Mills a lot. 

Mills and Cayden started holding hands. It really is cute. Mills definitely wears the pants in this friendship. She wants to hold his hand, and feed him goldfish. In the two years that they have been together, this is the first time that they really are playing with one another. At Little Gym they scream for each other. Today the hand holding at the gym was met with lots of oohs and aahs. I guess they are pretty cute. 

 Chasing each other is fun too. When you aren't holding hands.

 Beckham is starting to smile quite a bit. I can't say that he is on any sort of schedule now, but he has given us a few nights of 6+ hours of sleep. I'll take it!

 Beckham at the park. He mostly sleeps. And then he wakes and wails because he's hungry. He's always hungry. Always.

 Cayden likes the opportunity to have his picture taken with Beckham. 

 It was all going well...

Someone decided to crowd the other. I think we know who this was. 

Update on the Big Move: We are set to move at the very beginning of January. We are just in the initial stages of figuring stuff out. Everything is still just beyond the point of having to actually do something. Everyone has their passports, and we will soon be applying for Visas. We have to areas that we are looking at living in, but I'm hoping that Heath has the chance to go down and scope it out beforehand. We are excited to get to spend the holidays with our families this year. Next year we may not get to, or at the very least, it will just be really different. I'm sure I'll have more news in the next couple of months. It's weird to think that while this blog will still be about us, it will be about us in a different country, hemisphere, etc. 

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