Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Beckham is 2 Months

Beckham turned two months old on Saturday! No matter how much you use the ole' cliche, Time Really Does Fly, it never is not true. My life now is not hectic, sometimes you could even say it gets a little mundane with routine, but its crazy to think that Beck has been here for two months. We love this little big guy so much!

Do you think he has gotten bigger? He's no longer a little newborn. We had his two month appointment yesterday. We learned quite a bit about Mr. Beck. He is 23 3/4 long. 13.10 pounds. No, that's not a typo. This guy can eat! Both stats put him in the 90-95%. Really, I'm not surprised. Cayden was 13.4 at this point too. We also finally got his allergy test results...Milk, Peanuts, and Soy. Yikes. We knew that it had to be something more than dairy because I haven't had any dairy in over a month, and right now he is covered in full body rash. Poor Guy. Anyway, after that appointment we have a game plan. For the next two weeks, I'm going to cut out Soy. If that doesn't work, we will put him on formula. Honestly, if that happens, for a brief time I will feel like a failure. I know I'm not, and it's completely irrational. But I will. We will cross that bridge when we get there. 

Other than all of that, he is doing well. Getting bigger, starting to coo and smile a lot. Sleeping is going pretty well. Still in the swing...And not that I haven't tried getting him to sleep in the pack n play. I have! He will only sleep for about 2-3 hours at a time, and then insist on eating when we wakes. Every. Time. In the swing he will go for as long as 6.5 hours. There is a big difference between those two. Especially if you are also only getting a few hours at a time. 

When Cayden was first born, he was subjected to numerous "photo shoots." If you don't count his weekly/monthly photo, Beckham really hasn't had a one on one with me. Let's face it, trying to get a picture of one kid, while the other one is running around trying to be in the photo too is daunting and chaotic. While Cayden was "taking a nap" (because he doesn't sleep) I decided to get a few shots of Beck. 

People always comment how Beckham and Cayden look a lot alike. And they do. Sort of. As Beckham gets bigger, he is definitely starting to look more like Beckham and a little less like Cayden. 

 Heath hates having his picture taken, but you can't really not have your picture taken with your kid.

Cayden is always willing to sit next to Beckham for a picture. What he does in that chair is completely random and you never really know what's going to happen. 

Like this.

Or this. 

Even better.

Beckham - 
While I'm not quite sure what your personality is yet, you definitely are starting to smile and coo a whole bunch. I'm hoping that you will be a little more laid back than your brother. My favorite time with you is in the morning when you are in bed with me and we are sleeping. You are warm and snuggly. I know the time is going to go by quickly, so I try to soak you up as much as I can! 

We love you!
Mom and Dad

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