Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Picnic in the Park

Once I saw the forecast for the rest of this week, I had the grand idea to have a picnic. And who better to have a picnic with than Mills and Syd - and of course their momma. 

Cayden has a new love of Subway, it just happens to be right next to Chickfila. For our picnic today samiches were just the ticket. We met Mills at a nearby park. It was beautiful outside and my vision of sitting on a blanket eating our food would have worked out except that this particular park has a water draining problem, so the grass and much of the play area was wet and muddy. 

This did not stop these two. They both were magnets to standing water, whether it be on a stair, a slide, or underneath a swing. They had a great time, and it really was a good idea. I think we'll have to do it again. ** Thanks to Kristin for sharing her pictures. 

I almost forgot - Cayden suffered a small bloody nose at this expedition. He tripped and face planted in the grass. I didn't really think anything of it (great mom, I know). I told him he was fine. A few minutes later we look over and he has blood running out of his nose. No worries! I wiped it up and he was fine. 

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