Thursday, August 29, 2013

Mother's Day Out

This guy started Mother's Day Out today. For the past week I have reminded him what his teacher's name is, that we need to share and be nice to others, and when it's time for a nap we have to lay down. I ordered the cutest nap mat  with a shark on it! It came yesterday so we practiced laying down on it. Napping on the floor is completely foreign to him, so he proceeded to lay on the mat and hide under the blanket. Great.

On the way to the church I went over the same things he needed to remember. When I got the part about the nap, he said "Hide." I thought well, at least if he's hiding maybe he will be quiet? My expectations were pretty low. I was probably more worried about his behavior than anything. I kept my fingers crossed that there would be a really horribly behaving child in there. At least one that was worse than mine. Terrible right?

We walked in, put his pack-pack in the cubby, and entered the room. He walked around the room checking things out, while another kid cried and screamed. (Yes!) Cayden sat down at a table, I asked him to give me a high five and he said no, then I asked for "knucks" and he obliged. Then I left. No crying from me or him. 

I was pretty excited to go and get him at 2pm, just to see if he had fun. The teacher said he cried once or twice for just a few minutes, but that he had a good day. I asked about his nap. He actually took one for a little bit which was way more than expected. 

In Cayden's words this is how his day went:

What did you do today?  Pay (play) Share
Did you take a nap?    Dark -Ssshhh

I'm hopeful that he will get a spot in the two day program soon. I think it will be easier for him to get used to. I love it, but I really think he likes it too!

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