Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Cake Held the Secret....

So the day finally arrived. To admit that I was a little anxious was an understatement! I was ready to know! The day began with a lot of little errands, and the cake pick-up. This was one task that I knew could go horribly wrong. The cake girl could accidentally tell us what was inside the cake, or I could drop it! Interesting Story: I was carrying the cake out, and the free cake slicer fell off the box. I bent down to pick it up, and my mom rushed over thinking that I really had dropped the cake! Rick's Bakery did a really great job, and the Cake Girl assured us that there was no way to know what was on the inside just by staring at it.

Preparations were finalized..and it was time to Party!

We had a station set up for Baby Name Suggestions. Later on that night we went through the jar with the remaining guests. Apparently our friends/family found it more entertaining to suggest funny names...and it was! We got a big kick out of them, and it was even more fun to guess who made the suggestions.
Our awesome cake! As I said before, Rick's did a really fantastic job. Both on the cake and on keeping our secret!

Heath and I before the party really got going. Side note: I really am hating pictures of myself, so I tried to avoid them as best I could, but being kind of the center of the party, it proved to be difficult.
Team Blue!!! Per our requests, our guests were to wear the color of their choice, or guess. I think we may have been out numbered.

Team Pink!

This is Heath and I sharing a nice laugh, because let's face it...I'm always right! It was kind of funny because he let me cut the cake, and I sliced it just right so that I was the first and only to know for a brief moment! There were lots of cheers, laughing, and a ton of congratulating! For most of our family I think they were just glad that this moment was finally happening; Heath and I finally having a baby, and them finally knowing what it was so that they could shop!

In case you couldn't tell from the previous's a boy!!! I knew it all along. I think some women just have that feeling or instinct.
After the cake cutting, we busied ourselves mingling with the crowd and discussing the "suggestions" from the jar....Here our a few:
Jon Bon Jovi C. (there was a big fan in attendance)
Jacob Black or
Edward Cullen C.
Boy, those are some funny people we associate ourselves with!!!
Later that weekend after the guests had left, the cake mostly eaten, and gallons of fruit and veggies left in our refrigerator....I went shopping! I think I may have found our bedding and I found a possibly "coming home" outfit. The hardest part is still to come....A Name!!!

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