Thursday, February 17, 2011

18 Weeks

18 weeks have come, and are about gone. We have finally made it through an ENTIRE week of school. The weather is great, and I am feeling pretty fantastic.

My stats this week are about the same. Nothing new to really note except that I have actually gained about 3 pounds. I knew it would happen. I'm not one of those crazy people on TLC that never know they are pregnant because they never gain weight. So as with all my updates, I try to be as honest as I can.
On to the more important stuff... The Reveal Party!
Even before I ever became pregnant, I knew that telling people what I was having by cutting into a cake was definitely for ME! So when it actually happened, I started planning. The time has finally arrived and we are a week away from the big reveal. Our doctor's appt is on Monday, and we will have the technician write the gender on a piece of paper, and seal it in an envelope. Away to Rick's I will go, handing the envelope over, and ordering our cake.
I am hoping that everyone has a great time and I will be sure to post pictures of the event!


  1. I love your jeans! Where are they from?

  2. They are Miss Me. Which is kind of a teeny bopper brand, but I got them at The Buckle, and I LOVE them. If only they came in Maternity!

  3. So wait!! YOU guys won't even know yet??!!

  4. That's right! We go to the doctor tomorrow, they'll call the bakery, and it will be all one big FUN surprise on Friday!
