Saturday, February 12, 2011

What's in a Name?

As soon as you say, "I'm pregnant!" people begin asking, "Have you decided on any names?"

From the time Heath and I were married I was pretty set on a few names. Then several years go by, and I pick out different names....and then I actually get pregnant and all the names I thought I liked have flown out the window! Is it because it will be official and not some figment of my imagination now?
So our official comment on the name game is that we are not really having any conversation about it until we find out what it is going to be. However, Heath is ready to go when we do find out. He has his name book, which he will use to make "HIS" list, and of course I already have a list. Once we know if it will be a HE or a SHE we will finally get down to picking out a name.

Some issues of name choosing when you are a teacher:

1. You don't want a really common name, because you don't want your child to be one of 5 Michael's in their class.

2. You have an average of 120 kids a year. All with different names. And you start to have positive and negative connotations with those names. TRUST me, there are names that will NEVER EVER be on my list.

3. You start to consider what their name will be like on the first day of school. Did you give them a name where they go by their middle name instead of their first name? It's a problem on the first day. Did you give them a name and decide to call him some weird nickname? A problem on the first day.

4. Last, kids make fun of other kids. Names can be turned into other names, easily.

This is why choosing a name is a little stressful, and the fact that Heath and I don't exactly see eye to eye on some names.

When Heath and I decide on a name, we'll let you know!

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