Wednesday, February 5, 2014

We've Been Here a Month

Wow! It's funny because it feels longer. If feels like a lifetime since we lived in the quiet neighborhood, houses away from friends, and minutes away from family. I miss home. Not in a "I cry at home all day, every day way" I just miss it. Some things/Most things are easier there. But that is part of the journey, right? If it were easy, everyone would do it? Journey's and adventures are about trying new things, making new friends, having new experiences, etc. 

I had my first Portuguese lesson on Monday, with another scheduled for tomorrow. I really hope that within 6 months, I can speak fairly well. Well enough to communicate with the people that work here, to go shopping, to go out to eat. All of these things we can do, but it would be so much easier to speak the language. And while we are on the subject, I have a new appreciation for those within the US that don't speak English. As long as they are trying, cut them some slack. It's hard. 

It's hot here. For Brazil, it's hot. We have AC in our bedrooms, but the boys don't. I feel bad for them. Thankfully, we have begun the process of getting some installed. I know it will be a month or so, but at least we will have it going forward. I'm sweating writing this post. 

Last Friday, Cayden was at school, and Beckham and I were having a leisurely day at home. The light was nice, he was in a good mood, so I snapped some photos. 

He has pretty much mastered sitting up. I can sit him down, and leave him for a few minutes, and not worry about him smacking his head on the ground. He's also getting really mobile. He's not crawling yet, but the kid has mastered the army crawl. If he'd realize he could pick his belly off the ground, we'd be in trouble. 

I've started a Bible in a Year plan. Basically it gives you four passages to read every day. One from each the Old/New Testament, and from Psalms and Proverbs. I really like it. Anyway, this week just happen to be about coveting your neighbors stuff. I'm paraphrasing very loosely. 

I don't want to be jealous that the neighbor several floors up had their stuff delivered this week. But it was hard not to be envious. I'm ready to have my things. Minimalist living would be fine, if the minimal items were mine. 

 This is the entrance to our place. I like that there are tons of trees and greenery around. 

 And the award for most useful gift, that fit in a suitcase, goes to Kristin. She got Cayden this parachute. Now, we probably aren't using it like we should, but Cayden loves to be pulled around on it. Beckham wasn't quite as fond of it. In due time, I'm sure. 

Well, we have survived. Who knows what sorts of outings I can force Heath to go on this weekend. There are some really, really nice malls not too far from here. :o)


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