Friday, February 7, 2014

Come to Momma!

No, Beckham isn't crawling yet. The news is even more exciting than that! Our air shipment will be here on Wednesday. And I don't mean in Brazil, I mean in our. apartment.!! We are SO excited! Finally, some of our stuff. It's not much, but boy will it help!

Here are just a few things we are excited about getting:

1. The Walker - Beckham is ready to scoot. 
2. The Vacuum - Just think back to the dirty feet picture. It's a must have. 
3. Toys for Cayden - To say he is a little bored is an understatement.
4. Kitchen stuff - I'm ready for some cooking supplies. We bought a can opener last week, it deserves its own post. Trust me.
5. Beck's Crib!

And funny enough, we actually don't remember a lot of what we are getting. Not that we can't live without it, it's just that moving and getting our stuff packed up was such a whirlwind, we don't remember what is in there!

OH! And, our container made it to Brazil yesterday. Maybe by April, we should have that. I'm not holding my breath. 

If he knew what was coming, he would be happier. 

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