Friday, February 28, 2014

 Beckham has reached the ripe old age of 8 months. God has a funny way of helping parents raise kids at this age. He helps you to forget, kind of, the sleepless nights, constant nursing, and pain of labor, so that you can focus on how mobile your child is/wants to be/needs to be. 


Beckham weighs more than 20 pounds. I know it's scientific, but that's as close as I can get right now. He's long. He is very much out of the 6 month Carters close, since I can't even get the PJ's over his shoulders, they are so short. We've moved on the Cayden's hand-me-downs, and go back and forth between 9 and 12 month sizes. He can still wear the 6-12 in GAP clothes. He's in size 4 diapers, and probably needs the size 5 at night. No, he's not huge. He just pees a lot. This is because he gets up a lot. Refer to SLEEPING section. 

Eats: We have put bananas and strawberries in the food mesh thing. He likes that pretty well, and gets excited when he sees it. Brasil isn't too keen on feeding your baby, baby food, so the selection down here is nil. We have almost depleted our supply, but are thankful for a care package that will be here on Monday. Oh, it's not quite as magical as it sounds - Customs decided to tax me for it. Approx. 50 bucks. Silly people. 

I am going to attempt to make my own. I'm not sure what keeps me from it. Laziness is the usual culprit. It's just so. easy. in. a. pouch. 

Sleep: It's getting better. Sometimes. He wakes twice a night. Nurses and goes back to sleep. I know I should put my foot down, but until he gets his own bed, I'm just dealing with it. He does really well with naps, and as long as you don't let him sleep past 4 in the afternoon, goes down fairly well at night. We are getting on a pretty good schedule here, where naps are pretty consistent.

 He all but crawls. His Army crawl is awesome. He's fast, and if you aren't watching, will get into things he's not supposed to. We put the baby prison up, and it's great for containment. And for keeping unwanted predators out (Cayden).
 The verdict is still out on eye color. They are blue and brown, and I really really hope they stay that way. So unique. A little of me, a little of Heath.

He is mastering the walker. He's fast. Agile. And will clip your ankles and make you scream. The pain is horrible. I have bruises on my feet to prove it.

One Month:

This sweet baby boy is getting a little less baby-ish. He said Mama the other morning. It hasn't happened since, and I try not to get too excited, but it was so clear and perfect. I put him in a laundry bucket today and he pulled himself up. I try to get him opportunities to stand and practice, but this was the first time he actually did it himself. I'm telling you. He wants to move and go, and loves it when you just let him crawl all around. He loves Cayden, and they are getting to where they play pretty well together. So long as Beckham doesn't have any of Cayden's toys. But if they are crawling, or Beck's in the walker, Cayden is happy to play. 


There is no place I would rather be every day. I love our time together. You and I go from room to room, and run errands, and just work at our pace. It's slow and lovely. You are so interested in what is happening around you. You just want to be in the middle. You let random people hold you, and are pretty well behaved. Unless it's dinner time, and I'm not fixing your food fast enough. Then it's bad. You love when Heath comes home and the smile on your face is priceless. I love the little man you are becoming and I can't wait to see more of your personality come out. 

We love you so!
Mom and Dad

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