Saturday, March 8, 2014


Cayden and Beckham are just three weeks shy of being two years apart. I think you can argue both ways for the optimal age difference between kids, and I'm sure that it has a wide range. I think two years is going to be good. Right now, of course, it isn't. Beckham can't really "play" and Cayden's version of "play" is yanking toys away from him. Or pushing his walker a little too hard. Or rolling over him. I'm hoping his tendency toward aggressive behavior is more about is age, and not a true aspect of his personality. 

Don't get me wrong, he can be sweet too. In the mornings when I go into Beckham's room, Cayden climbs up the side of the bed and says, "Hi, Sweetie Beck!" or "Hi, Sweetie." 

Tonight at dinner Cayden sat next to Beck and was trying to get him to say Dada. Moments of sweetness and goodness happen, sometimes it feels like the bad overshadows the good. Throw in two kids who didn't really nap, and it's not even 8, and I'm ready for bed. 

They did play nicely for two minutes today, so that I could take their picture. 

I pray that they are the best of friends as they get older. That they take care of one another, and that they always want to be friends. That they play together, pray together, always include the other, treat everyone with kindness, and are the guys people want to know because they have integrity and a good moral character. 

It's easy to want for so much, and also easy to just let their lives play out. We have to work hard at it. Work hard to be good examples, to show them what  good character looks like, what a good friend looks like, etc. Parents aren't perfect, kids aren't either. We just have to take it one day at a time. 

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