Tuesday, January 25, 2011

15 Weeks

The 15th week has been one of those weeks where I could simply forget a few days, and be happy. Friday and Saturday to be specific. But for the happy/visual news first...my new picture. It is getting harder and harder to deny the fact that I am pregnant. I knew when it happened that I wouldn't be one of those "say it with a banner" kind of people. The kids I teach could really have gone one of two ways...Either ignored my protruding belly, or flat out ask. They went for the latter. It was really quite cute. One kid asked if I was pregnant, and I told him I was. Another kid pipped in and said, "I didn't want to ask in case you were just getting fat." Nice.
Then he adds, "You were like flat before, now you are getting round." Love it.

The new, rounder me.

The other exciting/painful news. I gave birth to a Kidney Stone this week. I have had one before, so once the pain started I had a sickening feeling of what it was. Hours later, I am in the doctor's office, pacing back and forth, waiting for them to tell me what I already knew. An IV, drugs, and antibiotics later...I am on my way home with a handy-dandy strainer.

The elusive stone put up a good fight, but I won this battle. Hopefully there will be no more in the future, so you don't have to read posts like this again!


  1. The new rounder you is super cute!

  2. Yes, super cute-you look great! I did laugh outloud about your student's comment though, aren't kids the greatest? What grade do you teach?

  3. Thanks Katie! I teach 8th grade and they have been pretty cute about the whole thing. Although the touching of my belly is going to have to stop! ha ha
