Sunday, May 6, 2012

Just a Boy

Heath and I have often commented on how Cayden is SUCH a boy. I'm not sure if it's because of the environment, how we treat him, how we play with him, or what. But Cayden loves to wrestle and rough-house. He loves to make lots of loud noises. He likes to

This is the look of determination. He is on the runway of life, with the open road ahead of him!
  Cayden has started talking. Kind of. He is definitely getting better at Mama, and Dada. If I haven't mentioned it before, he likes to chase cats. I kind of laugh, and make jokes about writing a children's book called Cayden's Cat Chasin'. It's because he likes it THAT much. Each day when we get to Jennifer's, he is on the lookout for Lola. Poor Kitty. Back to talking. He says Kitty Cat. It sounds like Ki-eh Cah. Does this qualify as his "first" word? Or are we looking for correct pronunciation? Ugh, being a parent is hard. That's why I blog. Cayden will never come back and say to me, "Mother! You don't know what my first word was....???" Why yes, son. I do....check the blog book.

The things we do for kids. This is my segue into my insane need to be crafty. Heath calls it Laser Vision. I see something I want to make, and I pretty much stop at nothing until I have the supplies, and I am working on it. Remember my need to quench the thirst of the artist hiding in my body. Well, I may have found something to top that. I blame Pinterest. There is an article floating around about how Pinterest makes mothers feel inadequate for not having a perfectly organized pantry, or ready-to-eat lunches in mason jars.I get it. Some days I do feel like Pinterest Moms have it all. Then I remember that technically I'm a Pinterest Mom, and I can Repin pics and look like I have it under control as well!

My new craft is quilting, and I've jumped in feet first! I found a quilt on {gasp!} Pinterest, and knew I had to make it for Cayden. I purchased the pattern. I linked her blog to my blog. I bought a sewing machine, without ever having really sewn before. I bought material. And I began. And I fell in love. There is something really satisfying about cutting, and piecing, and sewing, and seeing it actually work.

Some of the blocks. Some of the material.

A finished block.
  I am really excited to continue working on it. I will try to post pictures as I make progress!
Heath has to travel this week. Ugh. I hate it when he is gone. Cayden doesn't like it either. In fact, he tried to sit in the suitcase so that Daddy couldn't pack! Hopefully this week will go by quickly.

Side Note: The students have nine, NINE, 9!! days left.

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