Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Today was really  my first official Mother's Day, and it was great! Heath and Cayden definitely spoil me, and I have the cutest card "signed" by Cayden to put away and cry over for years to come! One gift feeds into my manic-creative spirit...a jigsaw! As usual there is always a lot to talk about! Cayden will be TEN months old tomorrow. Needless to say, I need to be partying planning like a fool. I say fool because really, will he remember this? No. Who is the party really for? Me. I get it. But I feel like it is one of those things that I must do. Like quilting, I must do it. Anyway, I will post about quilting and birthday parties later.

Here's Cayden. Working on perfecting his chakra. Namaste. His current go-to-pose is Downward Facing Dog. He is quite good.

 I could have taken 15 pictures like this. He hasn't figured out how to bend at the knee, in order to stand. So for now, we will continue our daily yoga.

Our version of the business suit!
 Oh Cayden. I have said it before but he is getting such a personality. We joke about his 90 or nothing attitude. Because he is either speeding around the house in the walker, speed crawling, chasing the cats, etc. He isn't walking yet, or really standing on his own. Sometimes when he is cruising along the couch he will stop, and for a brief moment he considers letting go. But then he goes back to doing what he was doing. I think that he will just walk one day. And then we really will be in trouble.

 It seems that when Cayden is near a blanket or pillow, he will sometimes just lay down for like two seconds. Usually when he does, I follow it was an, "Aww. Night, Night." He just smiles and then pops back up, and back to business. When you say, "Where's Piglet?" He will find him, and then give him a hug. Cutest. Thing. Ever.

As I have said before, it's getting impossible to take his picture without it being blurry. The days of cute, sit-by-Frank monthly photo shoots are over. Done. I think I took 30 pictures, and I could choose from two. Oh well. We had a few days of sniffling, snotty noses two weeks ago. That was really the first time Cayden has been sick, thank goodness! Sleeping is getting better. We aren't sleeping through the night yet, but I feel that it may be close. Napping. Pssshh. Naps are for babies. Or every. other. child. but. mine. I blame the cats.

We have moved into the 12 month clothes, the size four diapers (5 at night), and finger foods. I think that we are well on our way to not gagging anymore. He likes Yogurt Melts, and thanks to Millie, Happy Baby Puffs. We take them every where! He has stacking bowls that he likes to push around the floor, but now he adds stuff to them. Mainly balls. He likes to put the balls into the bowls and roll them around. He's quite advanced. We read at a minimum 7 books a night. I'm really hoping that his love for books continues until he's 80.

Dear Cayden,

I was holding you the other day while you were napping, and you smiled at me in your sleep. For that brief moment you were two months old again, and I got a little sad. But my sadness was short-lived, because each day you do something that makes me love you more and more. I love when we pick you up, you sometimes lay your head on our shoulders. It's so sweet. I don't really like this biting phase you are in, or the hair pulling. We love hearing you laugh. We love how you smile at everyone, and that "charming" is the perfect adjective to describe you! Thank you for being my reason to celebrate Mother's Day. I can't wait to spend the summer with you!

Mom and Dad

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