Sunday, April 22, 2012

9 Months

Cayden's 9 month appointment was on Tuesday, so this update is a little late. We had a garage sale on Friday and Saturday, therefore my house was taken over by stuff that seriously needed to go! My mom and aunt came Thursday to help out, and it was much needed and much appreciated! Thankfully it was a success, and our house is now a little lighter.

How is it that this little guy....

is already this little guy?

I will say, it is becoming incredibly difficult to photo him! Gone are the days when I could just prop him up and have our little photo shoots! It's sad, but fun to see him so mobile!
His appointment went well. He came in at 23.08 pounds (90th percentile) and 29 1/2 inches (80th). We discussed his sleeping habits, and eating habits. She suggested giving him more finger foods, and he is getting better at not gagging. We talked about his flat spot some more, and she's not too concerned with it. It was a pretty low-key visit, with no shots! woo hoo.

Cayden is still wearing size 3 diapers; size 4 at night. He is pushing his way out of 9 month clothes and into 12, or even 18 month depending on brand. He eats pretty much everything, except peas. He is working on Yogurt Melts, and chunks of carrots and green beans. We are slowly moving away from breastfeeding. I only nurse him at night, and he is probably 50/50 on formula and milk.
He has mastered the art of pulling up. He is starting to "cruise" and is definitely becoming more fearless. He does a lot of one-handed standing. I'm starting to wonder if walking isn't just around the corner.
Sleeping: I think we may have reached a milestone. I hate to even write about it, as if it might jinx our situation. For the past week, Cayden has only gotten up once each night. He nurses, and goes back to sleep. Sometimes he does wake-up, usually around 5ish, but I let him cry. And he eventually goes back to sleep. It's not perfect, but I'll take it. I feel like I can work with it. That we can move even closer to sleeping through the night.

After the garage sale on Saturday, we took Cayden to the Red/White Razorback game. It was his first game, and probably a little more exciting for Heath and I, than him.

Thanks to some friends, we watched the game from the box, so Cayden had plenty of room to move around! He spent his time crawling, and sleeping.

He took about an hour nap during the game! Once he got used to the noise, it was lights out! I can't wait until he is old enough to actually watch the game!

Here is our little eater. I think he only ate about 4 chunks of carrots. The rest suffered a violent death.

After this eating spell, there were carrots everywhere!

He loves to crawl, and be chased. Whether in his walker, or on the ground, if you even act like you are going to come after him, he squeals with delight, and attempts to run away!

Every time I update the blog, I feel like I leave stuff out. Everyone always comments on how happy Cayden is. His hamming-it-up side is really starting to come out. Smiles and grins, and coy looks, etc. He has it all. Charming is quite an understatement!

He has a new signature look. I tried to get a picture of it, and the closest I got, was the one above. He smiles and squints his eyes together. It's pretty funny.

Last weekend we also scheduled swim lessons. He will be going to the same place that Heath took lessons. I'm not so crazy, as to believe that they will actually teach a 9 month old to swim, but I do look forward to Cayden being comfortable in the water. I see a lot of pool time in our future, and I want to be as prepared as possible!

21 days until we get to spend our days together!

Dear Cayden Rhys,

Where is the time going? With each day, we are getting closer to the one year mark. One Year?!? No longer will you be considered a baby! You are everywhere and into everything. "No" is becoming an every day word. Book shelves, fireplace hearths; anything plugged in. I know that it will only get worse once you get on those little feet of yours! We look forward to all that you have in store for us. Thank you for being such a blessing! I can't wait to spend the summer with you!


Mom and Dad

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