Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Belly Laughs and Garage Sales

While the two are unrelated, they are the topic of this week's post. Finally! Our neighborhood garage sale is on the radar. April 20-21st to be exact. I CANNOT wait to get rid of stuff. It's amazing how much stuff you realize you don't need when it remains in boxes for a couple of months. We have tons of clothes, home decor, and stuff that needs to not be in our garage and house anymore.

I was going through a box of clothes and decided to put Cayden in. I mean, why shouldn't he be in a box of clothes?

Cayden has started pulling up on stuff this week. Not all of the time, and he frequently gets frustrated, but he's done it a few times. We lowered his crib last weekend, and have realized that we need to lower it all the way. He can be strange sometimes, or I guess fearless. Anytime he sits in a chair, he wants to launch himself over the side. Well, when he does pull himself up in the crib, it will only be a matter of time before he throws himself over the side!

He is really amping up the crawling. And if you put something he wants if front of him, like an iPad, or phone, or cat...he speed crawls to get to it!

We think he may have allergies. He does this head thing where he pulls his shoulder up to his ear. My first thought was ear infection. I called the doctor, and they think it's probably just allergies. We started giving him some medicine and it seems to have helped.

I have also inched closer to a Toddlers & Tiaras parent...not really. I will NEVER enter Cayden into a pageant. I did, however, submit Cayden's picture to the GAP casting call. While we know it's a long shot, and like most parents, we believe our kid is the cutest, I think it would be great to walk into a GAP and see Cayden! I'll keep you updated.

Now for the fun part. Here is a video of Cayden's belly laugh. This is the only time I have ever heard him laugh like this. Please focus on Cayden. The cute one. Not the mother, with what looks like a 5 month pregnant belly. I'm not pregnant. Blame the 23 pound baby that I'm holding for the swayed back like a horse that needs to be put out to pasture.

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