Friday, March 2, 2012

I've Been Told...

That I need to update the blog more often. I thought once a week was enough for people. And when I update it twice within seven days, I feel like I am accomplishing a lot. Honestly, if I could update it three or four times a week, I would. Cayden really is that interesting. Seriously. Only I am tired, and lazy, and it takes effort to plug the camera cord into the computer. And then download. And then upload. I know my excuses are falling on deaf ears.

The crowd has spoken, and the crowd wants more cowbell.... I mean Cayden!

Cayden has had some growing up moments this week. The new tooth was the first of, I now know, many signs that my little baby boy is becoming a little man. The first is that we had to move out of the Bumbo. Oh the Bumbo. We've had some great times. Some fun times, and more recently some scary times. Like when Cayden reaches out with the very tippy tips of his fingers to grab something, and the Bumbo starts a rockin'. Each time this happened I just knew he it was going to tip over! So I ordered a new chair. Not a high chair, but a table chair. I didn't really want a huge high chair taking over the kitchen.
It clips to the counter, and I am sure you are thinking that it's not that secure. It is. I think I could hang off of it. It's snug, secure, and perfect! We can take it with us to restaurants and family gatherings.

Cayden loved it. The whole time I just kept thinking that he is getting to be such a big boy, such a grown up boy. Sniff. I'm a little sad. But NOT sad enough to want another, yet.

Cayden aka "Austin Powers, Jr." He is saying, "One Miiiiillllion Dollars." I'm pretty sure that no other child has looked as cute in a pageboy hat as my child. Not that I am biased or anything.

His other milestone is the walker. Oh the walker. We bought a cheapish walker at "the store" a few months ago. Three to be exact. All of this time Cayden has never been able to really touch the ground. And yes, it was set on the lowest setting. Keep in mind that Cayden is in the 95 percentile for height. I guess it was made for Shaquille O'Neal's kids. Anyway, last week we stopped by to visit Camilla and Kristin. We decided to test out Millie's walker, because she was zooming around like crazy. And what do you did Cayden.

Four days later Cayden's new walker is delivered....

Speed Racer is my name. Walking fast is my game. My next post will be a video of him literally zooming around the house. He is everywhere. He can make the loop around our kitchen on his own. It is hilarious! Exciting, and sad too. I look at Cayden sitting on his own, playing on his own, and now peeling out in his walker, and he is growing up soo fast. I love him so much!

Millie and Kristin came over today and hung out for a bit. It's just nice having them so close. I know that we are going to have a ton of fun this summer, and in summers to come!

When you see Cayden and Millie in pictures, there is an obvious size difference. Millie is every bit the dainty, sweet girl. And Cayden is well, every bit the Tank we all love. However, don't let Millie fool you. When she sees something she wants. Millie gets. Today Millie wanted to touch Cayden. His face. His ears. His back. She was fixated. Cayden played aloof, and nonchalant. He doesn't like to show the ladies his true feelings. He keeps his heart protected.

You can see here that Cayden is trying his best to not pay attention to Millie.

I promise Millie is not pushing Cayden down. Although....she did pull him down at our last play date, hmmm. Anyway, she just wanted to touch his back. And she was so excited when she finally did. Cayden is acting preoccupied with his book. Silly Boy.

I think all parents have those moments where they can see the future. Or at least what they want the future to be like. Looking at these picture of Millie and Cayden, I can see them making appearances over the years to prove that they were best friends from birth.

Their first "cars." In 16 years, this picture will look totally different! That's all for now! Look for Speed Racer's video in a few days.

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