Saturday, March 17, 2012

8 Months...Give or Take a Few Days.

It's the sunlight's fault. I blame the position of our home, in relation to the sunlight in the afternoons. It makes taking pictures without a flash somewhat precarious. Add to that the need visionary aspect of taking Cayden's picture in a couple of different outfits, and you basically have a huge time delay. Any who.

I know at last month's post that we had decided that Cayden wouldn't be a crawler. We were fairly certain he would go straight from tummy to feet. It's amazing what a week or two can do. It seemed like Cayden made a ton of changes in seven short days. One day I got a text that said Cayden was up on all fours, which was completely surprising. Usually I would have to force his legs under him, and then he would immediately collapse to the ground. Nope. Not now. He is up on all fours. And Rocking. And when you put an IPad in front of him...CRAWLING!! It's shaky, and a little bit funky...but, Hey, that's my kid!

Here is the link!

I'm still in shock. Another development in is repetoire is mimicking. We are experimenting with Bye Bye...and if you wait long enough, he will open and close his little hand. If you knock on a window, he will know. It's very cute, and it pretty much confirms what we all suspected. He's a Genius! Add to that his jabbering, and we are well on our way to early admission to an Ivy League school.

His second tooth has popped through in the last couple of days. We have taken to calling him Shark Tooth, because they are quite sharp. He's only bitten me once while nursing, thank goodness.

Although this looks like he can pull himself up, he can't. This is where we need some practice. I think it's because he really doesn't have anything to pull up on. Like any crazy parent, it makes me want to run out and buy everything to assist him. I currently have my eye on a push/walk toy. Basically, I call it Keepin' Up with the Kuhlows. Millie has some pretty sweet contraptions, I feel like Cayden needs them too.

One Month.

Eight Months. Cra-Azy. The past week I have looked back at pictures and videos of when Cayden was just a wee-tot (one month old.) It's almost like I can't even remember when he was like that! I see pictures of babies on FaceBook, and it's just too much to imagine Cayden being that small again. How fast time flies, and how quickly they change! What would my day be like if we wasn't motoring around the kitchen in his walker, clipping my ankles as he runs into my feet? Or listening to him babble in the backseat of the car?

As much as Heath hates leggins' for babies, I love them. Easier than pants, and now that Cayden is just a toenail away from being an official crawler, they're easier on the knees. I will be purchasing more. Etsy, here I come!

Speaking of car seats, Cayden moved up to a Britax car seat. Just one more step to becoming a Big Boy! He was a little hesitant at first, but he seems to like it pretty well. It's ginormous, but it should last us for a few years.


He weighs more than 21 pounds. That's all I can say, because I haven't weighed him yet. Carter's 9 month clothes still work, as well as Gap 6-12 month. He loves sunglasses as long as he is outside, but once you are inside he will take them off. He is getting better about wearing hats, obviously the pageboy hat is our favorite.

Food. I have been trying to get him to take more milk/formula at a time. He was only eating about 4-5 ounces at a time, if you were lucky. But with some advice I switched bottles, and he will take closer to 5-6 now. He loves baby food, except peas, and bananas are a little rough. I actually tried to feed him a mashed up banana the other night, and after acting like he was going to puke.... he did. After that he was done with food for the evening.

Sleep. Ha. Sometimes he takes an hour nap, most of the time 20 minutes. He wakes 2-3 times at night. I probably should just let him cry, but it's just easier to nurse him for a bit. I tried giving him a bottle one night, to see if he would eat a lot, and then sleep...fat chance. He's a boob man. Which is making me think that it is more of a security blanket than anything. Oh well. I'll figure something out.

He loves his walker. He follows me all around the house, and enjoys running into stuff. I've taken him out in the driveway a couple of times!

I say it every week, but I will really try to post more. Even if it's just a picture!

Dear Cayden,

What a blessing you are to us! We wanted you so badly from the very beginning, and you are so much more than we could have dreamed of. Each day it seems like you discover something new. You love watching the cats, and just the word Mickey Mouse puts a smile on your face. You are quite the social butterfly, and warm-up quickly to most. We are quickly drawing nearer to summer and I absolutely cannot wait to spend every day with you!


Mom and Dad

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