Saturday, August 13, 2011

One Month Old

If you notice, my blog picture has changed. As much as it pained me to take down the super cute head shot, I know that I need to show how much Cayden has grown. I stole the idea from my friend Kristin...except she was smart enough to take a picture at one week, and then compare the two. Oh well.

Cayden and I shot this photo one morning after he ate. He was changed, given a bath, and put into his outfit. He did a great job of "sitting" propped up against the crib. I took a few pics, and then picked him up...and then he spit up. Thankfully, he waited until after his photo shoot. I looked at the pictures later and realized that he was trying to show is chest hair by opening the buttons just a little. I guess he is trying to woo the ladies...I'm hooked!

We think he may be going through a growth spurt. He decided earlier this week to want to eat all. of. the. time. Anytime I would feed him, 30-45 minutes later he was hungry again. I finally pumped and was shocked that he was eating 3+ ounces. I guess wanting to call him Tank may not be too far off. We have a doctor's appointment on Monday, so we are placing bets to see how much he weighs. He think 9.3 and I wouldn't be surprised if it were more.

He's just so cute! Heath was walking him around, and I was snapping away!

Kristin got Cayden these awesome sunglasses. Of course I was dying to put them on, thinking surely they will fit...not so much. If he looks this cute now, just imagine when he can actually wear them!

Side note: There are few pictures of Cayden and I together. The point of this shot was Cayden and his super cute sunglasses, not my barely there cleavage.
Cayden's first trip to the pool. I'm not sure he actually saw the pool, but he was near it. Heath and I went to my cousin Jennifer's to put our feet in the pool for a bit. I can't wait until I can actually get in there. When is too early for baby swim lessons? :o)

House Update:

Did I mention already that I love our brick. They began working on the stucco, and it was gray. We were thinking it was going to be tan, and didn't think that was going to look to great. When we went by and saw gray, we were pleasantly surprised. The cabinet guys have also be hard at work. It is really starting to come together.

I wanted to take a picture of my book shelf, but it wasn't in place that provided a good shot. It is beautiful...and it's not even stained. I can just imagine myself sitting in a chair, in the shadow of my book shelf filled with books I've read, books I want to read, places where new books can go... It really is wonderful.

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