Thursday, August 25, 2011

6 Weeks

Some people say I look like my daddy in these pictures....Mommy agrees! Today I am six weeks old. My days tend to look pretty similar. We wake up, and I eat. Mommy plays with me on my quilt, or on my lounger. We like to practice lifting my head up, and much to Daddy's chagrin, Mommy sometimes tries to teach me to roll over. Every now in then, like in these black and white pictures, we have a photo shoot. Once we have played for an hour or so, I take a nap. Wash, Rinse and Repeat.

Of course, I still like to be held...a lot. And even though I am getting bigger, sometimes I like to curl up into a ball.

We have reached the six week mark, and I feel like I should be attempting some sort of schedule. Don't get me wrong...we have a routine, I just don't know how it will translate into a schedule when it is time for me to go back to school. Part of me stresses over it, and part of my pushes it to the back of my mind. I keep pretty well to the Babywise idea of Feed, Wake, and Sleep. If anyone has any ideas of how to implement a schedule, or tips, I would greatly appreciate some feedback.

We started using his playmat more. He likes it pretty well. More than the regular quilt? It's hard to say. He does notice the stuff on the playmat though. Here he is looking at the whale.

Bath time! He likes it warm. He likes the warmth outside, and he likes warm water. He doesn't last a long time in the bath, but long enough for us to know that he is clean, and usually long enough to pee in the tub. Gross, right? What can you do?

House Update: We picked out granite last week. I am kind of excited to see what it looks like once it is put in. It is not your standard Santa Cecila...It's different, and that makes it exciting. All of the trim is in, the banister for the staircase, the fireplace...all done. Basically we are waiting on the paint. That should be next week. Hopefully in time for me to take some pictures and update the blog.

*** I have purchased some items for Cayden...shocking, huh? I bought some wood letters for his wall in his room. Super pumped about these. I also bought some onesie stickers that display his age. So each month he has a new sticker to wear for his monthly picture. This is what I do during the day when I am not tending to his needs or cleaning something when I can.****

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