Friday, June 14, 2013

Update and Picture Dump

Week 37 and 38 Update: I have two theories. Most people have many theories about lots of things, but these particular theories of mine have to do with this baby and how/when he will get here. 

Theory One: It will be exactly like last time. I will dilate consistently, stop, and then they will induce. This is the most realistic plan. Week 36 at a 1+, week 37 a 2, week 38 a 3. See the pattern. With Cayden I stopped at four. 

Theory Two: I will start having contractions and by the time I get to the hospital, I will be so far dilated that an epidural is not happening. I consider this "worst case." You see with Cayden, I was at a four, was induced, had the epidural, and really minus the two hours of HORRIFIC pushing that felt like it was leading to no where - there wasn't much in the painful contractions department. With Theory Two - I sense more pain and a natural birth. 

**Kudos to those of your that choose natural birth. Everyone has their missions in life - drug free is not mine. ***

Anyway these are just theories. Things I speculate about in the wee hours of the morning when I have awoken to pee and can't go back to sleep for at least an hour. 

Wednesday night, the night before my doctor's appointment, I started having mild contractions. I knew they weren't strong enough to warrant a trip to the hospital, but they were very consistent for about three hours. It was enough to have me frantically packing a bag (Who does this beforehand, right?) and cleaning my house. Even though they were consistent I didn't want to haul my rotund body down to the triage and have them monitor me for hours only to tell me to go home. Yuck. I will also say that this puts me on the road for Theory One - because essentially the same thing happened with Cayden. 

Okay - You are updated. 

Here are some random pictures, most you've probably already seen on Facebook, but at least capture our summer thus far. 

This last one is one of my favorites. He has since had a haircut, but darn it if he didn't rock the shaggy look for a bit. 

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