Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sunday in the Park

No, it wasn't the Fourth of July. (Name that group). I digress. Sunday was a beautiful day. Dare I say, a little warm even? I knew it would be the perfect day to go to the park. Cayden loves parks. Any park. Really, if it has a slide - it's a park. Because of testing and busy schedules, we haven't had the chance to hang out with Millie very much. We took the chance and forced ourselves into their Sunday schedule. It was great!

Kristin even mentioned that last summer, we would spend the mornings at the park, with the kids in their jammies. Let me just say, there is a lot more monitoring going on at this point. Those two can book it up the stairs and down a slide before we can blink. It's fun to hear their squeals and see their interactions.

 Of course, as soon as Cayden heard the dogs, he had to go investigate.

Side Note: I took a "Get to know your Camera" Class on Saturday, and it was really helpful. One thing I did learn - how to take a picture of Cayden swinging without it being blurry.

 Up and down the stairs.

 He really had no fear. This was the second to biggest slide. Down he went!

 I just like pictures of the two of them together. Their interactions were in passing. Although there was one time when Cayden went first down the slide, and Millie came after - as soon as he saw her, I think he thought she was chasing him - which he loves - so we screamed and ran!

We got the two of them to go down the slide together!

At one point Cayden was on the slide and for some reason, he decided to "walk" down. It made my heart stop, because I know that he didn't really do it on purpose. But he made it down, with no falls! A little scary!

I'm hoping that we get to spend more time with Mills as the weeks go on. Those two are pretty funny together, and I love spending time with Kristin. I can't say how much of a blessing it is to go through pregnancy with someone else who is pregnant. Not that are husbands aren't fully supportive - they are! It's just different when you can talk to another woman. There are a lot of hairy details that our husbands would rather not discuss. :o)

Oh, and Cayden turned 21 months today! He is becoming more of a toddler each day. I love it, but it makes me sad too. I haven't been super emotional, as far as crying goes anyway, this go round. But - There is something really sad to me about the next couple of months being the last of the three of us. I think it's okay to say that. We love Beckham and can't wait for him to join us, but I want to savor (the good and the bad) of the next two months with that little guy.

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