Sunday, October 9, 2011

It's in the box!

We are finally in the house, at least 30% of our stuff is "in" the house. Moving day came and by the time the movers got our stuff from our apartment to the house, we had decided that the garage was as far as they were getting with the rest of our stuff. Thank goodness Heath was back from Chile to help deal with the situation! So most of our stuff is still in the garage, in boxes. Let me tell you, finding time to unpack with an almost three month old is very difficult. And to make matters worse...the neighborhood garage sale that only happens in the fall and spring is next weekend. I MUST get rid of some stuff. I am going to be an unpacking machine for the next long as Cayden lets me.

I'm pretty sure he gets cuter with every click of the camera! Most of the time when Heath asks where something is, "It's in the box is my response!" Of course, Cayden's stuff was the first to get in, and unpacked, and settled. I had to relearn how to take care of remember "The Chair?" Well, in the apartment everything I needed was within a 10 foot it's across the house, and not so easily, or lazily, accessible.

Speaking of Cayden, because I know that's why most of you are reading this. I went back to work last week which meant no more days of hanging out with my little man. It was hard. I didn't cry, because I knew he was in a good place. Lord help me, if he was in daycare with an unknown person..ugh. We are going through a transition time. He is getting used to hanging out with Jennifer each day. I think he may even have more fun with her. They traced their hands as an art project one day, and they watch the neighbors from the dining room! My transition hasn't been as smooth. The first day was a shock...Why did I leave Cayden to hang out with 8th graders? As funny as it sounds, each day when I go to pick him up, I think..."Did he get bigger?" I'm dealing with it fairly well, though I definitely have some days where I feel extra guilty.

Cayden is doing all sorts of fun things now. He is really starting to grab things, and hang on tight, including my hair! During tummy time, picking up his head is becoming easier, as well as tucking his knees and pushing. He is "this" close to rolling over! If only he could figure out that he needs to push with his arm! He is even ticklish! I havent' seen it yet, but Jennifer discovered it on Friday!

These are the good things. Unfortunately his napping is not any better. 45 minutes...tops! Since moving his sleep is a little rockier. He still goes to bed around 8, sometimes waking around 11-12. Waking again at 3, around 5. I'm not getting down in the dumps about it yet. We are going to go back to Sleep Training soon. We have not been consistent at all, and have found ourselves back to the Pacing Game.

Knitting class is going well. I am working on a cowl scarf thing, and it looks pretty good. I'll post pictures when its complete. It's a very relaxing hobby to have after a tough day dealing 13-14 year olds.

He turns 3 months this week. I found my measuring tape "in a box" and will be sure and measure Cayden this week. Now if I can find my bathroom scale, I might be able to add a weight stat in there too. I'm not holding my breath.

1 comment :

  1. I remember my girls used to wake up at exactly 45 min. and I read in some book that it's quite common and normal and that they aren't really finished with the sleep cycle yet so to not go in there and maybe they'll drift back off....of course I don't know your situation, if he's wailing or something I probably wouldn't be able to leave him....jsut thought I'd throw that out there for ya. He is SO adorable!! Good luck with all your unpacking.
