Friday, October 4, 2013

More about Beck

I feel like the last post about Beck was rushed. I gave you the basics without going into any fun details. 

Things He Likes: BreastMilk (No bottles), definitely no formula. Chewing on his hands. He likes it so much, he sometimes gets overzealous and gags himself. He likes being held, sleeping in the swing, or in our bed. He's not one to lay around by himself, he wants to be in full view of anything exciting that may be happening. He likes being naked, at least when you change his diaper. He squeals and starts jabbering. 

Dislikes: Alone time. Sleeping in the pack n play. The bouncy seat. 

Beckham moved up to size two diapers, and I think he will be here for a bit. Although the box says 18 pounds...and we aren't far from it. He is in between 0-3 and 3-6 month clothes. He is really starting to laugh a giggle quite a bit. We brought out the JumperRoo last weekend, and he seems to like it okay. It's not like he can jump too much, so he sits there and drools. He does really well with Tummy Time. If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you will have noticed some of his pictures. 

He had a rough day today. He didn't really nap at all, and he was beyond overtired. I was getting frustrated because I had a headache and wasn't feeling to well either. I try really hard to keep how I'm feeling in mind, so that I don't take it out on the kids. Let's face it, it's easy to do. 

We talk a lot about how things are different with Beck. He likes to eat every. two. hours. on. the. dot. Cayden was better. However, Cayden would sleep for 5 hours at night, and then wake and eat every two hours after. Beckham will normally eat once, maybe twice at night. So, I'm thankful for that. He has also rolled over front to back and back to front already. Now, he doesn't do it all the time. But it has happened. He also started playing with his feet. There is definitely something to be said for experience when it comes to the second one.  I'm a little more patient, a little more laid back, and just not as stressed. Just one more thing to be thankful for. 

Here are some pictures I shot last week. I will try to get the ones I shot of Cayden at this age up in the next few days. 

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