Monday, October 7, 2013

It's Time

When I say the words, "It's Time" - I do it the way the do in Steel Magnolias. "It's Tiiiiime." 

I've been dreading putting Beckham in the crib. Not because he was such an amazing sleeper in the swing. He wasn't bad, don't get me wrong, but it's not like he slept all night without waking, and took three long restful naps during the day in that thing. He didn't. Sunday night I finally bit the bullet and readied his room. This included setting up our new monitors (been in the box since his birth), putting bolster pillows under his sheet (to create a cozy, snug place to lay), and relocating the sound machine from our room to his. Once all the elements were in their place, I gave him a bath, put him in jammies, and fed him. He went to sleep, I put him in his bed, and shut the door. 

Thirty minutes later he was awake. Screaming. I stuck to my guns. I will only let my kids cry for 15 minutes at a time. He cried for 9, and was back asleep. Until 12:45. Then he ate, and was back to sleep. Until 4, more eating, and back to sleep until 7:15. I think it was a success. I had fully expected for him to wake every 30 minutes, only for me to let him cry for 15, then go in an console, and put him back down. Rinse and repeat. 

Thankfully that didn't happen. Tonight may be a different story. He is moving around. A LOT.

Last night. No, it really isn't 77 degrees in there. 

Now napping is a different story. I put him in his crib for all of his naps today. The longest one lasting 30 minutes. Yikes! He really didn't nap longer in the swing, and I am hoping that he will eventually figure out how to sleep longer in the crib. I need to get him a blackout curtain, and I do let him lay there if he does wake. I even let him cry. 23-30 minutes is the longest he'll go. 

It makes for a long day. Not that what I do day in and day out is incredibly difficult, but it's nice to have a break. From both kids. At the same time.

So here's tomorrow. More attempts at naps and all of them in the crib. 

Update: It's 10:26 and Beck is screaming and flailing. 

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