Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Family Update

This is a quick update on the whole family. Not that anything life altering is happening, just an update. 

Beckham had his 4 month appointment today. He weighed in at 16.12. Honestly, we thought it would have been more. Heath guessed 19. At the same age Cayden weighed 16.2. Basically, Beckham is just under the 95th percentile on weight and height (26.25 inches) and at the 75th percentile for his head. His allergies are better, but you can definitely tell when I eat something I'm not supposed to. Right now, his eczema has flared up. I'm not perfect. Sometimes I given in to temptation. We did try mixing formula with breast milk to trick him into drinking some...he's no dummy. So we continue to BF and I'm okay with that.

We had family pictures with Amber Lanning a few weeks ago, and we got the proofs back yesterday. I really love them. It's no surprise that I'm a sucker for family and kid pictures, and these did not disappoint. Once we get them, I will have them framed, so that they can hang in our new home in Brazil. 

Speaking of Brazil - Heath and I are making a trip down there to check out places to live. I'm excited to finally see it. Thankfully Heath has made a couple of connections down there, so we get the chance to hang out with people that actually live there. It will be good to ask questions and such. What I am not looking forward to is leaving the boys. I know they are in good hands. I know they will be fine, and that Beckham will not remember me leaving. But it is hard on me. So if you think of it - say a little prayer for those that are watching Beckham and Cayden, and for me!

I'm sure that Cayden will not have any fun whatsoever while we are gone!

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