Thursday, May 5, 2016

Cayden and Beckham - Video

I heard this song by Nichole Nordeman the other day, "Slow Down." Four minutes later, and basically I'm a big pile of mush, with swollen eyes, and big, ugly tears running down my face. I knew that I wanted to do a video of pictures of the boys. After four hours of finding my way out of the rabbit hole that is the pictures stored on our laptop - I had narrowed it down to 20 minutes. And it's still not enough. But is it ever? Would there ever be enough videos and pictures of Cayden and Beckham? You, me, we all want so much to capture every, everything. And for time to essentially stand still. But it doesn't. And we don't. And it all goes by too fast, and one minute Cayden is building a snowman for the first time, and the next he is "surfing" in the ocean in Brasil, and riding his bike without training wheels.  It's too much for this Mama's heart strings. If you want to watch the video - Here is the link.

Cayden and Beckham

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