Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Boys these Days

I haven't really done a post about the boys and what they are up to these days. We have a pretty normal routine: school, park, dinner, play time, and off to bed. But of course, our kids are anything but normal and routine. 

I love this picture of Beckham. He is such a charmer. Oh, you should see him with all the girls (no matter the age). Where the girls are, you will find Beckham. He gives hugs, let's them carry him around. He's quite the ladies man. A friend said that when Beckham walks into the room, it's like he's announcing that he's there and the party is ready to start. 

I like that about him. That he's comfortable in social settings, and that he likes people. He's a food scrounger. If there are french fries nearby, well - game on. Speaking of food, he could eat ALL. DAY.  Snacks consist of popcorn, pretzels, fruit pouches, and lately granola bars. He eats lunch at school - and LOVES it. They serve rice and beans several days a week, and he's hooked.

He runs everywhere. He fights like a cat with his brother. In the morning, he's jealous and territorial if Cayden wants to sit on my lap. He likes going places, which makes him easy to take - even if it's just to the store. He's very much into Minions and the first 15 minutes of Toy Story 3. And Frozen, always Frozen.

He sings. Cayden never really sang, but Beckham does. Old MacDonald is a favorite. And I'm teaching him how to Whip and Nae Nae. It's AWESOME.

Cayden. Gosh, he's growing up. It's in the things he says - "Well, actually..." " Sort of..." And really, just every day conversation. He's smart. He picks up on his school work easily, which leaves him a lot of play time. He has started playing with Legos and loves them. He hasn't quite reached the stage where he can follow the directions on his own, but I would rather him play with these than watch TV.

He has a notebook where he collects words. He will ask Heath or I, how to spell a word and either he writes it down, or he has us write it down and he copies it. I guess I need to start focusing on some sight words.

He has also started running with the big boys at the park. I have given him a little freedom and trust here. There is one boy in particular that he really likes. He's 10 going on 11. All the boys just let Cayden play with them, so it's really great.

Sleeping: For the last year, he has crept into our bed every night. We put him to bed at night, and at some point later in the night, he joins us. One evening, we had a babysitter who left his light on when she put him to bed. (Come to find out, this is not uncommon among Brazilian babysitters). Anyway  - since that night, he has slept in his bed. ALL NIGHT. So, now he sleeps with a light on. Sheesh.

They are a mess. but boy do I love them. they keep me running and always fetching things, or calling me to intervene some dispute, and in those moments, I know I get frustrated, but then they give you these looks and you just kind of melt and forgive and forget and try and find the joy and know that it's going by so. fast. In a short time, we will have a 3 year old and a 5 year old. What? We are on the cusp of kindergarten - shut the front door.

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