Thursday, October 24, 2013

Beckham is 4 Months Old

Another month has gone by, can you believe it? This month, especially in the pictures, you can tell that Beckham is starting to have more of a personality. I had a moment the other day where it struck me that this time I have with Beck, I didn't have with Cayden. By the time Cayden was 3 months old, I was back at work. I love getting to spend my days with both boys! (It's not all roses and rainbows, but I wouldn't trade it!)

Beckham's antics: What does a 4 month old do, really? He likes to be held, all the time. He does like the JumperRoo and his play gym on the floor. It's not something he'll stay on or in for a long time. I can usually put him in the jumper for 15-20 minutes. Long enough to get dinner started, eat some lunch, or do some other chore.

He can roll both ways - he just doesn't do it all the time. He is making more of an effort to reach out and grab stuff and he loves to chew his hands all. of. the. time. 

Stats: I have no idea what he weighs. We go to the doctor on Tuesday. I'm thinking 17+. He has moved up to 3-6 month clothes, and 6 months if it's Carters. Let's face it, no one wants to look like a sausage casing, so it was time to move up a size. He's still in size 2 diapers. They seem to be doing the job for now. 

Sleeping: He's a 20-25 minutes catnapper. Maybe once a week do we get a longer nap. However, he is in his crib and doing pretty well at night. He wakes twice, usually around 12 and 4. Yes, I nurse him both times. I probably shouldn't and really it's more of a selfish move on my part. He eats, and goes back to sleep. I'm in and out of his room in about 10-15 minutes. The good thing, and something that never worked for Cayden until he was over a year old, is that you can put Beckham down at night, awake, and he will go to sleep. He might jabber and squirm for a few minutes, he may even cry, but he will go back to sleep! Yeah!  

Here is the man of the hour! When I took his pictures, and the ones with Cayden I took 45, 34 of them were fantastic! It was hard to choose!

I just couldn't get enough of this cute smile! 

There was such a change from month 3 to 4. I know from this point forward he's just going to become more and more of a little man. 


What a little ball of light you are! You smile easily, and laugh a lot. It truly is the best sound. You watch my every move, and I know that when I have to leave for an hour or more, you are not a happy camper. We have hardly been apart since you were born and I sort of love that. Not that I don't need a breaky-break every now and then, but it's definitely secured your place as my little man. Beckham we love you so much, and we are so glad that you have become the best - last addition to our family. 

Mom and Dad

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