Tuesday, December 25, 2012

100th Post - It's all about Cayden

It's the 100th Post!! Woo hoo! I'm sure that if I would have been a better blogging mom that I would have reached this milestone months ago. Oh well. Things have been very busy around our house the past month or so, and then you add the Holiday season, and it's like crazy busy! Cayden is giving us a run for our money as usual and every day I find something new about him that makes me think that he's not acting like my  itty-bitty boy anymore. pooh.

Cayden at 17 months~

Likes: Hats - Cats - iPad - crayons - Razorbacks - shoes - tomatoes - pickles - olives - cookies - trucks/cars - Heidi Klum commercial - puzzles - brooms/vacuums

Dislikes: Having the iPad or broom taken away from him - repetitive meals - Santa Claus - sleeping away from home - hamburgers

I think of things all the time that I need to mention in the blog, and yet I get here, ready to type, and my mind is a complete blank! We don't go for his 18 month appointment until January, but I'm thinking that he weighs around 28ish pounds. He has definitely stopped gaining weight at such a rapid pace in the last 6 months. I think walking/running as helped. Not that he was ever fat, just big, and muscly...like a football player. He runs everywhere. His attention span is 15 seconds unless you have an iPad in front of you. He loves animals, and is perfecting his repertoire of animal noises. He is working on adding 2-3 more teeth all at once, and last week his sleep suffered. At one point Heath was commenting on how we had reverted back to the newborn phase. I'm pleased to report that his sleeping is better now. Here is one crazy tidbit - the kid as been napping like a pro lately. Like 1.5 hour naps are standard these days. My how far we have come since 6 months old - whew.

He is obsessed with tomatoes. He would literally eat them everyday if we let him. I'm pretty sure this came from my DNA. I LOVE tomatoes. We actually tried blueberries this morning and he hoovered them down as well. There really isn't too much he won't eat. Hamburgers. McDonalds - 5 Guys. He won't do it.

He really likes trucks and truck noises. He plays with hats all of the time. Although his attention span is low, he does seem to favor certain things. We'll talk about the iPad in a bit.

Evidence of his "hat" obsession. Really if it fits - it's a hat.

He is getting better at playing by himself. When he goes in his room, I just let him go in there without me and play. It may only last 5 minutes, but I like that I don't have to be by his side every second.

The iPad. Ugh. Both a blessing and a curse. He loves the Elmo app, Disney Junior, and Peekaboo Farm. If you let him, he would play it for quite sometime. We usually only let him play in the evenings when we get home. I want him to play with puzzles and blocks first, and iPad second. But I think the ABC app is paying off. That or it's a fluke every time he picks out the letter D.

He likes putting shoes on and walking around in them. It's pretty funny.

This photo reminds me of a an early rap star. He's got the hat. The pants are a little baggy. He could be laying down the beat.

Rap stars are always connected to the fans. Nothing says "Gangstah" like a Christmas Dino on your shirt.

Running. I'm sure he was up to no good.  
 We made the rounds for Christmas. Cayden was spoiled and we all had a good time. With the threat of snow, we went home late Christmas Eve - Evening, and of course, it didn't snow. We also cut it short because Cayden - will not sleep at my mom's house. I have no idea why, or what the issue is, but it's terrible, and always puts tension in our trips. But we had fun while we were there! There were several big hits with presents this year.

The broom set. We were kind of joking with my brother when we told him to get Cayden a tiny broom. Well - he found one. Cayden LOVES it. It's his size, and not that he actually sweeps with it, but he likes carrying it around.

Another hit. He is this close to pushing those pedals and finding yet another way to speed through the house.

Cayden's ornament from last year. Mom let him play with it this year. This is why they don't let you drive at such a young age. There were four fatalities - pretty gruesome if you ask me.

He loves being outside and running after stuff. It doesn't really matter what it is - just running.

We got him a Little People Fire station - Another hit.

Auntie Julie and Uncle Wes never fail in the present department!
 The biggest hit was the indoor slide we got Cayden. I mean, we are his parents, surely we can pick on the ONE gift that he will love and cherish his whole life, and take with him to college, and pass down to his kids, and then they to their kids, etc. Maybe it's not quite that good - but it's good.

He we down the slide about 15 times in the first few minutes. The only teeny glitch is that he likes an audience. So we have to be in the dining room with him, viewing the awesomness that is the indoor slide.

He kind of liked the box the slide came in as well. Not as much as the slide.

Here is some potty talk. Cayden will sometimes signal you to change his diaper. You can tell him to go into his room and lay on the floor and this is the diaper changing position. I decided a month or so ago to just put the potty out. I've read that it's good for it to be in view, so that they can get used to it. When we first put it out, he would grab the blue bowl and put it on his head. Please refer to the "Hat Section" above. It's taken a backseat in the last few weeks, and hasn't gotten much attention. Until today. He decided that maybe something did need to go in the potty, and it wasn't anything in the pee or poop department. For some reason, he thought that wrapping paper made the perfect addition to the potty. I can see how much fun actual potty training will be. No worries though. I have no plans to actually potty train in the near future. 

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