Sunday, February 5, 2012

I need Professional Help

Really, this could apply to several different areas of my life....
House Cleaner? YES, please!
Personal Assistant? Definitely!
Paper Grader? I WISH...

In this case, however; it happens to be a professional photographer. When I found out that the photographer that did Cayden's baby pictures was running a special, I said "Sign me up!" Heath was willing to let me have this splurge. I have heard from family and others that my pictures of Cayden are great, and that I don't need professional help. I really appreciate their confidence, but I'm always behind the camera. I really wanted some great photos of Cayden, that also included me. I really wish Heath could have been there, but it is busy season, I can't wait to take family pictures this summer! Here are a few of the ones she captured. Calotype in Missouri gave me exactly what I wanted. I now have some great pictures of Cayden and I, that I will cherish forever!

I LOVE this one! This look says, "I'm up to NO good!"

He's was pretty enamored with my necklace....and hair. Really, anything. He grabs at everything! Doesn't he look light as a feather in this picture? You really can't tell from my bulging biceps that he weighs 20 pounds....

Here is what makes it all worth it. He is the cutest thing. No matter how little sleep I get, or how fussy he can be, or how hard he pulls my hair...That look wins me over every. single. time.

I know I've mentioned it before, but I love our neighborhood. I also love the fact that a good friend of mine lives just down the street. It's so easy to meet up at the playground, for a quick play date!

Cayden wasn't quite sure what to make of the swing. I think he was probably a little perturbed to be wearing his hat, and then to be in a new contraption...he had to think about it for a minute.

But eventually he cracked a smile. I can't wait to take him down the slide! By the way, I am loving my new camera lens!

We definitely have a sitter on our hands, although I still put the pillow behind him...just in case. He is usually pretty good at playing on his own for a bit. Ten or 15 minutes, sometimes longer. We have been trying to increase his tummy time. I am bound and determined for this kid to crawl. "Don't rush it!" you say? Nah, I'm ready. I'm ready for him to be just a bit more mobile so that when he does tip over, or fall on his back, and he starts getting mad and fussy, and whining for me to come and pick him up....a crawler can save himself. Not every time, but more than now, which is zero.

We've upgrade to giant hooded towels. This one is a shark. Bath time is getting interesting. He's been splashing quite a bit lately, but tonight he figured out how to splash with his feet AND hands. Needless to say, our kitchen was soaked. I guess we are going to have to move to the big tub in our bathroom. I'm just glad he likes getting a bath!

Can you see it? The slobber. The drool. The chewing. If this kid isn't teething...I don't know what is going on. Today Cayden was extra drooly, and extra chewy. I keep looking in his mouth, and so far, I haven't seen any changes. I'm expecting a tooth anytime.

Sleeping is still somewhat of a struggle. I feel like I can't complain too much because he doesn't "keep" me up at night. He gets up 2-3 times a night. Every time he wants to eat. Luckily, he will go back to sleep once he's done, or if he is not quite asleep, he talks to himself until he goes back to sleep. I'm not really sure what to do. We've talked to the doctor about it, and she seems to think that we are doing what we can. Who knows? Maybe he will grow out of it. Until then, I will sleep in 2-3 hour increments.

Cayden will be 7 months on Valentine's Day. Maybe I can figure out a theme inspired photo shoot, because obviously he hasn't had enough of those lately!

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