Sunday, December 8, 2013

Our New Home

Here we go kids. This moving business is getting real, and real fast. We have four weeks to go and let me tell you, I have no idea how we will get it all done. The problem is that we can't really pack anything. The movers will be here the day after Christmas (Eeek) and because of insurance purposes they have to pack it themselves. Trust me, there are several junk drawers around here that are not for the faint at heart. So I sit here, and the tree is up, a few decorations are around, but not one item is "move" ready. It'll be fine, right?

To the fun stuff. We have finally settled on an apartment that we really like. I'll start with the pictures, and then get to the details. 

 Heath took these photos with his phone, so some might be blurry. This particular apartment is partially renovated. The bathrooms are not, but they are in good condition. 
 The bedrooms and really the whole apartment has tons of storage. These are the closets in one of the bedrooms. 

 The kitchen has been remodeled. Honestly, it was the nicest kitchen we had seen all day. 

 I think this is the master bedroom. Notice the A/C in the corner. This was a big bonus for Heath. 

 Another bathroom. Bidet, anyone? Interesting information: Because of all the millions of people, and a not so great infrastructure, the plumbing system doesn't really tolerate toilet paper. So, the idea is to not flush the TP. Hence, the bidet. Sweet dreams on the thought of mastering that!

 This is part of the smaller living room. I'm not sure if they refer to it as a TV room, but I love the views this apartment has. We are on the 4th floor, almost level with the trees. I love it!

Part of that other living room. I don't think the fireplace is functional. 

We looked at a lot of places. We even looked at an apartment on the 24th floor. Yowzer. I stepped out onto the balcony and thought there was no way I could live that high. This area has a lot of green space, and you can see trees out of almost every window. This particular complex has a pool and playground for the boys. During the week they even offer swim lessons. I heard that they even have some young guys teach soccer, I'm just not sure if Cayden would be old enough for that. After looking around, we also noted that there were several English speaking residents, too. Thank Goodness. Meu portugues e ruim.

Since we got back from Brazil, my mind has been in moving mode. As I mentioned, I can't pack anything, but I can make lists. Every item in our house has four possible places it can go. In our luggage, in the air shipment, on the container, or in storage. Every. Item. In. Our. House. From furniture to q-tips. It all has to go, somewhere. It's daunting. 

Then there is the task of loading up on items that are too expensive or unavailable and finding a place in the mix for those. Shampoo. Brownie mix. You know, the necessities. 

Up until now, we haven't said anything to Cayden about moving. I'm not sure how much he would understand. But the other day, I said something to him about getting a new house. Moving to a new house. He then started saying stuff about JeeJee's house. (Because JeeJee moved to a new house.) So I guess he has an idea about new houses. Well, since then, he keeps saying, "Move House." Not yet, buddy, not yet. I'm hanging on to these last days with all my might. 

The holidays are here, schedules are getting busy, and we are trying to squeeze in time with those we love. It's not that we are dying. But moving away from people who are within driving distance, and some that are within walking distance is a big deal. It's a huge change, and totally out of my comfort zone. Someone posted a passage from a devotional about New Normals. "New Normals are a test of our trust in the Lord. They are transitions we go through in life when we move into new seasons. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:18-19.

So, while I may not dwell on the past, I will definitely think of all those we leave here in the North. I will remember it all, but I will not let it sadden our days in Brazil. It's just a new normal, and I know we will have all kinds of stories to share. We will make our way!

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