Tuesday, November 26, 2013

5 Months

Beckham is now 5 months old. Which only means he's a month away from being 6 months old. Wow. He could actually start crawling in just a few short months, and then walking, and then talking, and the next thing I know he's 18 and going to college. UGH. Before I run off in tears, let's stick with the now. 

After he turned 4 months old, we started feeding him cereal. He LOVES it. I mean L.O.V.E.S. it! He tries to grab the spoon and feed himself. I think he knows that when I put him in the Bumbo, it's feedin' time. Disclaimer: Yes, I know that Bumbo's on the counter are dangerous. Just ask Heath and his experience with Cayden. However, I am always right there. It's not like I go off and clean a bedroom or anything. 

He's been congested and coughing lately. I took him to the doctor yesterday just to make sure it wasn't turning into anything serious. He's fine. A minor ear infection. He's pretty healthy otherwise. He weighs 17.13 now. We've moved to size 3 diapers and are in the 3-6 month clothes. 

One Week:
 One Month:
 Two Months:
 Three Months:
 Four Months:

And 5 months:

I love the look on his face. He obviously knows he's awesome, like we would question it?

Our Boys. We are two very lucky people. 

Sorry for the blurry photos, but this was too funny not to include. They were taking pictures pretty well. No squeezing or pushing, so cheers for us! Beckham then turned and latched onto Cayden's arm. 

 Cayden was outta there!

Beckham's current LIKES:
Cereal, Milk, his momma, Cayden, chewing on anything, the JumpeRoo, being held, his crib (thank goodness)

Dislikes: Clothes (he loves being naked), Sweet potatoes, long car rides.

Beck loves to watch Cayden. Loves. It. If Cayden is laughing, Beckham is laughing. If Cayden is running, Beckham is laughing. 

Sweet Baby Beckham - 
I'm loving this stage you are in. While you don't seem to want to sit on your own, you do love to stand and jump. I love that you love your brother so much. I can't wait to see how the relationship you two have develops. I hope that you are best friends! Thank you for being our sweet little boy. I am one lucky momma to be able to stay at home with you everyday!

Mom and Dad

1 comment :

  1. Well Amanda you have done it again "Tears" You and Heath have the most beautiful family!!!! However I cannot imagine anyone that doesn't SMILE when they read your post and look at those pictures foggy or not. They are the sweetest boys. I hope that they remember their Aunt Rahrah I will miss all of you dearly.
