Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Weekend!

We had a fairly low-key weekend! My very best friend in the whole world came to town, so we hung out at our house Saturday morning! Cayden entertained our guests with his walker/car skills, and general cuteness. On Sunday we went to Lincoln for Easter, and visited with some of Heath's family that we hadn't seen in awhile.

Cayden's 9 month doctors appointment is in a week, and I cannot wait to grill the pediatrician about his gagging issues, and sleeping issues. I also cannot wait to see what Cayden's stats are. Not that we are comparing or anything, I just like to know where he stands with other 9 monthers.

Baby proof much? Looks like a baby gate is in our immediate future. Heath was encouraging his behavior a little bit, and really just waiting to see how far he would go. He made it 5 steps. Five steps of injuries if you ask me.

I had originally planned a different Easter outfit. Navy Gingham jumper...super cute. Then when I realized that we would be outside, and more than likely Cayden would want to crawl somewhere, I decided a jumper with exposed knees probably wasn't practical. Cayden is becoming quite the little mover, so it is getting more and more difficult to get his picture. This is the closest we got, with Heath off to the side distracting him!

Boy do I love this little guy. Cayden has recently started sleeping on his stomach. It makes me a little weary, but as soon as you put him in the crib, he flips over and buries his face in the corner of the crib. Don't worry! We don't have any bumpers in, so I think he's safe. Plus, I check the monitor to see if his back moves to make sure he is breathing.

Cayden can be a little quirky too. He is enamored with the vacuum. I'm not sure why? It was sitting in our bedroom, and anytime he crawled by our door, he would dash into the room to sit next to it, and play with it. Then he got a hold of a Reese's Peanut Butter Egg. He squished it, crawled with it, and played with it for about three hours. I suppose these are the early versions of refrigerator box houses, and forts made out of sheets.

Lastly, we have been working on some sign language. Really just one sign. Bottle. Anytime we say "Bottle" we make the sign. Tonight I was talking to Cayden, asking him if he would take a bottle before bed, rather than nurse, and he made the sign!! I don't know if he knows what he's doing, but I think I have a pretty smart kid!

This week is testing week. woo. hoo. I'm pumped. (not really). Maybe we can work in another play date with Millie after school!

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