Thursday, November 7, 2013

This Guy

This post is all about Cayden. While I mention him in posts, I find that many of the posts are all about Beckham, and Cayden needs a little attention too!

Before my trip to Brazil last weekend, the longest amount of time I have ever spent away from Cayden was two nights. That's it. And that was a year ago. I missed him (and Beck) like crazy!!

We got to FaceTime a bit, so that helped a lot. I got home Monday morning, and pulled in the driveway. JeeJee opened the door for Cayden and he came running out saying, "Hug." And for the next hour and a half (no joke) he was in my lap, kissing my ear (because he knows it tickles me). Beckham was in the middle of a two hour nap, so it was nice to give Cayden a bunch of attention. 

We made a cake that day too! Who doesn't love cake? Cayden is really into helping, especially in the kitchen. If it involves "mix-mix" then he's the man for the job. Got an egg to crack? He can do it too, as long as you overlook the shells in the batter.

These days there are good ones and bad ones. "No" is becoming too common around here, and for a few days we were having some inspired tantrums. The ones where he just falls to the floor crying because you won't give him more Goldfish. Ugh. Thankfully, as of today, one hasn't made an appearance in a day or so.

These are pictures of his school pictures. Gone are the days with staged backgrounds, stuffed animals, or fake trees. He's cute. He looks like his daddy.

We've been working on saying two words at a time. It's hard. But it's working. Slowly. One thing that I've noticed is that he has started singing. Two weeks ago, if you would have asked him to sing, he would have said, "No!" Now he will sing Twinkle, Twinkle, Row/Row, and Jesus Loves Me. He doesn't say all the words together but he tries and that is success! Plus, is there really anything more precious than a kid singing Jesus Loves Me?

We don't listen to a lot of country music. But to save me from cartoon madness, I turned it to CMT today. Luke Bryan came on with some ridiculous song. Anyway, the very beginning starts of with some, "Uh, Uh, Uh" to the beat. Now, picture Cayden perched on the coffee table. Without missing a step, he busts out with the "uh, uh, uh." So cute. 

Current Likes: Anything Sweet. Subway. MDO. iPad. Cellphones. "Mater" Underwear. Cartoons (All of them). Being Tickled. Jumping. Millie. Painting. 

Current Dislikes: Rules. Guidelines. Shampoo in his eyes. Underwear that doesn't feature Mater.  

1 comment :

  1. I have finally figured out how to post to your blogs yeh!! I know that your adventures for life are just that adventurous but as much as I will miss all of you I pray that you can continue to write these blogs!!! That's an order from rahrah. I don't have much to entertain myself with so when I see you have posted on this blog I get so excited I know it takes so little for me !! I love these boys. You ave been so blessed and they have too with parents like you and Heath. Someday they will look back on these blogs and it will make a great TRUE story and tradition fr them to carry on. I love you !! P.S. Take my advise and write a book.
