Tuesday, February 12, 2013

19 Weeks, a Gender Party, and other Tales

As of today, I am 20 weeks +, so I guess I should talk about the first trimester, right? I'll try to keep it brief and not too wordy because there is just too much to talk about. I know what you are thinking: "Well, if you would update more often, you wouldn't have this problem." yeah, yeah.

1st Trimester:

Weight Gain: 5-6 pounds.

Cravings: Tomatoes, Popsicles, pickles.
Symptoms: Definitely headaches. Definitely nausea. It was a little different this time around. I remember last time being nauseous, and not wanting meat. But this time it started sooner, and lasted longer, and never seemed to leave. I was tired.

It was a few weeks into the 2nd trimester that I really started feeling better, but now that we are well into it, I do feel like a semi-normal person. Which brings us to 20 weeks.

 Cayden really liked being a part of the picture process. While I love the idea of the chalkboard, I haven't quite gotten the picture to where I want it to be. Frankly, I don't want to be in it. So I have to figure out a way to get my belly and the stats in, but not my double chin, or goofy grin. Cayden can stay too I suppose.

Last week we had a doctor's appointment on Monday. THE doctor's appointment. We knew from the beginning that we wanted to have another Gender Reveal party. As we were driving, I was telling Heath that I've seen (Pinterest) where a lot of couples find out the gender, and then the party is the reveal for friends and family. I wasn't really going for it, but I think the idea stuck with him. My problem is that I can't really keep a secret that big, unless I don't know either. We explained our plans to the ultrasound tech, and started to check out the newest Baby C. I was awesome. I didn't look when I wasn't supposed to, I didn't ask leading questions that might reveal something I didn't want to know, I just stared at that little face, and quickly moving body. Heath however, started asking questions. Probing. He looked when he wasn't supposed to, and on our way out of the room, stopped the tech and asked her what it was. I just kept on walking.

So Heath knew. For almost five days. It may have been more difficult on him, than me. HA. Take that!

 I saw this idea for a Old Wives Tale board on Pinterest. It was fairly even. 5 for girl and 4 for a boy.

 We invited family and friends, and waited for the big moment to find out Baby C would be!

 Boy, oh Boy! I think I may have my hands full now! But I can't imagine not being excited for another boy. With a big brother like Cayden, there is no telling the trouble they will find!

Speaking of big brother. He put on quite a show with the ladies that night.
Millie and Tatum were in attendance, and after a few minutes of warming up to everyone, he was on fire. Running from room to room, getting bites to eat here and there...
 Sharing his chair with Tatum. Well, she was sitting in it, and he decided he should be there too. As Millie was leaving, I told Cayden to give her a hug. He proceeded to lean in to kiss Tatum, and then lean in to kiss Millie. I'm telling you, he is a ladies man.

He needs a hair cut. It's wild and untamed, maybe a little like him.
Tonight he was eating some fruit snacks and decided that his Rock n Roll Elmo needed one too. So he opened Elmo's mouth, and then closed it and said, "MmMMMMMM." Heath asked him if Elmo liked it, and he responded with a head nod, and a "Yeah!"

I should add that Cayden will be 19 months old on Thursday. He moved up to the Beasts class at Little Gym, which seems fitting. He is adding new words, which makes me a little less worrisome. In not particular order he can now say - Mama, Dada, wow, yea, NeNe, Pop Pop, Pup, Kitty (this sounds like hissing), duck, milk, baba, purple, blue, Lola, apple, and lots of other noises.

He has a new obsession with pig noises and really likes Peppa Pig. He snorts quite often. He likes to have Eeyore sit with him when we read books at night. Still in love with Lucky Charms, there is no killing that monster.

We are working on getting the nursery under way, but also trying to pick out a name. Since Heath basically named Cayden, I get the rights to name this one! We are still narrowing down the list! Lots to do, and I know time will fly!

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