Friday, May 31, 2013


We are into our third full day of stay-at-homeness. I have visions of Pinterest-inspired craft projects, but honestly, I'm just trying to get back into the swing of being with Cayden full time. Today was easy going for us. Indoor playing, outdoor playing, "movie" watching. I would love for Cayden to sleep in past 615 or 630 in the mornings, for selfish and practical reasons. Selfishly, so I can sleep more. Practically, so when Beckham gets here and is sleeping in our room - he's not blasted out of his bassinet by Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, or Imagination Movers. 

Cayden has been doing pretty well with sleeping in until 630. Sometimes he's up a little before that, but I try not to go and get him until that time. Speaking of sleeping - I must document the fact that he took a THREE HOUR nap today. What?? I guess it was just a big nap day for him, my expectations are zero for it happening again. But it was nice - I actually finished a book, and then nodded off myself for about 20 minutes. 

Kristin and I decided last night that we should find a way to get together today. She texted me for a park date this afternoon, and Cayden was still asleep. As soon as he woke up, I went into his room. He was a little cranky - and was fussing a little, but then he looked at me and said, "Park." Why yes, we are going to the park. I hadn't said anything to him about this prior to him going to bed. He was pumped. He was very willing to have his diaper and clothes changed. He even grabbed his sunscreen for me to apply as I was getting my shoes on. It's really funny the stuff he knows. 

 The big slide. It took a lot of coaxing, Millie going down first, and more coaxing, but he finally did it. Much to his surprise and joy - there was a rain puddle waiting for him at the end. 

 He does love water. No matter where, or what kind. I had to jump in and keep him from licking the slide - gross. 

 For a brief moment Millie and Cayden sat on the bench - by the time I got my camera at the ready, they were off and running. 

 At the next bench, I was more prepared. However, to get two kids to look at the camera and say Cheese at the same time is a joke. 

Millie was more willing to participate in photo opportunities than Cayden. To his defense there was a guy mowing his yard across the street. He is captivated by mowing. He asks three times a day about mowing. 

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