Thursday, July 5, 2012

And the award goes to...

Me! For being an awesome parent. Note: This is said with a heavy dose of sarcasm. Here are the events that have warranted my nomination, and then obvious win of Top Parenting Award.

1. My blog updates are few and far between. I can blame this on a lot of things, but will choose to place all fault on THE birthday party. 

2. Last week we had two PJ toe blowouts. This really speaks volumes as to why my parenting skills failed me. The wardrobe malfunction could have been caused by the following: a) I let my child hang out in the jammies until at least 11. b) I failed to cut his toenails. c) His jammies are skin tight, and need to be increased by at least one size. d) He crawls all over the place, and is really not my fault at all. e) He is wearing footie pj's and its 113 degrees outside.

 3. The one good thing I did this week. I took Cayden to the park to meet Millie. He loved it, and even wore is sunglasses for a bit. After swinging, he and Millie played in the mulch, and possibly sampled a few bits.

 4. I LET my child do this to the kitchen. When I sent this picture to my husband, he wanted to know why I wasn't watching him. Well, I was. I was watching him destroy the kitchen. There needs to be some serious child proofing in our house...pronto.

 5. Ah, yes. Another good deed for me! Millie got a sweet ride for her b-day, so of course Cayden had to go check it out! It was blazing hot, every one's armpits were sweaty, but we rode in the swag-wagon. I thought the fact that they hung on for dear life was hilarious.

 6. I let my child manhandle other children. This picture doesn't really tell the whole story, but basically Cayden sat on Millie. This wasn't the first, and I assure you won't be the last time. He has pulled Millie's hair, pulled her down, etc. She gets in a few punches too, don't worry.

7. My child ate a bug. A BIG one. It was black. I believe it was a beetle. It seems that everyday, at least 20 times I say, "What are you eating??!?!" Well, I didn't catch him fast enough. In hind-sight the tell-tale signs were there. Cayden was playing behind the couch. He was quiet. Too quiet. He came around the corner with a look on his face. I asked the question, to which there was no reply. I grabbed him up, opened his mouth, and saw a leg. UGH. AACK. I pulled it out. I opened his mouth again, and saw the body....eeech. I only got half of it out. HALF. Which means the other half he ate. GROSS.

As the mother of a boy I understand that this is just the beginning, but I am no less grossed out by the act of digging bug bodies out of his mouth!

Sigh. On a another note.. We officially have a walker. He still chooses to crawl sometimes, but he is definitely a walker. Millie's birthday party is this weekend, and GASP, I have one week to get ready for Cayden's. It's going to be so great, that it will cancel out all of the past weeks' parenting slip-ups.

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