Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Four Months

Time is flying by. It's hard to believe that just four months ago Cayden was so new, and tiny, and so fragile. Now it seems like he changes so quickly, and is trying and doing new things every day. We had our four month doctor visit today, and Heath and I went in armed with a ton of questions. What can we do for eczema? Why does he dig at his ear with his fist? What is the diagnosis for his flat head? and many more. She was great at answering our questions, and seemed pleased with Cayden's growth. He is officially weighing in at 16.2 pounds (75th percentile)! It really wasn't as much as I thought. She said that he is growing steadily, so nothing to be concerned about..and No, I do not have a giant baby. He is 25.75 inches long (75th percentile) and his head is 16.75 inches (60th percentile). He had two shots as well. UGH. It is the worst. The look on their face basically makes you feel like the worst parent, ever. On a positive note, we got the green light to start introducing whole wheat cereal. Once he has grown accustomed to that, it's on to fruits and veggies!

Here he is at one month....

And at 4 months! That smile you see. It's pretty much the best part of my day. He is a happy baby for the most part. He is still wearing 3-6 month clothes, and really they fit fine, except in length. Things always seem too short. We are a big fan of footy pajamas. Really footy anything since baby socks do. not. stay. on. No matter what size of sock, they always come off. He has moved into the #2 diaper size, and I think he will be here for a bit.

New things:

* He is rolling over. He doesn't do it often, but he can.

*He loves his bouncer. At first he just hung out in it, feet barely skimming the ground. Now he can bounce! And the cutest part...he shifts his weight and feet from side to side, so now he has figured out how to rock the bouncer.

* He has starting echoing, or mimicking things. I make this sound where I suck in my breath, and then give him kisses. He started sucking in his breath too!

* He is discovering his tongue. He likes to stick it out (thanks to Heath for teaching him this).

* Anything he can grab onto, goes into his mouth.

* Lots, and Lots of drool.

Finally...He is sleeping in his crib. I know I'm not supposed to put things in the crib, but we figured out that he really likes to feel snug and secure. This is why he liked sleeping in the lounger. I knew I had to recreate that feeling in his crib, so I took two bolster pillows and put them at the front and back of his crib, and then put the sheet on. Now he sleeps in between them, and he seems to do pretty well. He is not sleeping through the night, but he is going for longer periods. Usually he is in bed by 730ish, and then he is up around 12 or 1. And then after that it varies. Sometimes its every 2-3 hours, sometimes he goes five....

Jeans are cute. They are not practical. Although the unbuttoning of pants is a common sight after Thanksgiving, we unbutton for comfort while sleeping.

Dear Cayden,

Is it possible to love someone more and more each day? You smile, and giggle, and my world is perfect and complete. You are growing up so fast, and learning so many new things. I know it will be no time before you are crawling, and walking, and eating solid foods, and although I can't wait, I can wait. I want to savor, enjoy, and remember each and every minute. With the holidays around the corner, there is nothing more I could want or need. I am thankful God gave me you, and He knew you are perfect for us. Thank you for being the best present. I can't wait to see what you do next.


Mom and Dad

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