Friday, June 21, 2013

39 Week Update and Big Changes

Let's start with the doctor update. As of yesterday, I hit the 39 week mark. While it feels like I have been pregnant forever, I know the time is drawing very near where I won't be any more. Can I get an Amen?!? I may eat my words in a matter of days, but I think I can function better on sleep deprivation  than just the utter exhaustion my body feels hauling around tens of extra pounds. There is such a profound difference in how your body feels while pregnant, and then almost immediately after. Listen, I'm not naive. I know there are terrible "After" things that happen too...but frankly - I'm looking forward to my hips not aching while I sleep at night, or being able to bend over without feeling like I need a nap or a quick sit down afterwards. Ugh. 

I digress - Today I met with a different doctor, because my normal doctor was on vacation. I chose to see the same doctor that delivered Cayden. There wasn't really any expectation going in. As long as my blood pressure was normal, I figured we'd be waiting another week. Well...Not so much. My pressure was normal, and I was still dilated to 3. But then she asked how we felt about induction. We felt fine - that's how we had Cayden! So, we are scheduled to be induced on Monday! Woo hoo!! It's a little surreal, and very emotional. I'm trying not to think too deeply about how these are the last days with Cayden. How these are the final days where it's just the three of us. Not that we aren't eagerly waiting for Beckham, there is something sentimental about it just being us. Geez, let's get to some happier thoughts!

Cayden got a inflatable pool with a slide. Hours after it was blown up, just waiting to be filled, it deflated. Off to the store to exchange, where we ended up with a sprinkler instead. He LOVES it!

Now to the BIG news!! As if there really could be bigger news that having a baby, right? Let's just say Beckham is the biggest thing happening right now. Six months from now it will be different - We will be moving to... Brazil! What??!?!  More specifically, Sao Paulo,Brazil. (Yes, I know about the riots.) It's almost unbelievable to me, as if at some point Heath's company will stop and say never mind. We are starting to "prepare" as best we can to move. Really, all that means is that we are gathering passports, applying for visas, and such. We are excited. A little overwhelmed, and honestly taking one step at a time, and just getting ready for Beckham to get here! Trust me, there will be more posts about this in the future, when we know a little more, and have come out of the new baby haze.

I'll leave you with this. Cayden's passport photo. I sent this to my mom with a text that went something like this. 

Wanted: Cayden "Big C" 
Charges: Impersonating a Pig, Manipulating Parents, and Evading Diaper Changes. Suspect appears cute and innocent, but looks are deceiving.
If seen please contact the authorities (his parents).

He looks a little thugish to me. But it only took 10 seconds to get this picture, so kudos to the Walgreens Employee with the digital camera. 

Stay Tuned: I'm thinking the next post with include Beckham pictures! EEEkk!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Recalibrating Expectations

I stole this phrase from a friend of mine who has had to make some difficult decisions in the last few months. She wrote an interesting post on her blog about change and how sometimes even though we accept change, we don't necessarily expect things to change. 

Here is how it struck me. At any moment I could go into labor and our family of three becomes a family of four. The way I have been thinking lately, especially on those hard days, is how in the world will I manage? How can I do this with one, let alone two? How can I fix dinner? How can I get the laundry done, or take a shower, or go to the store, or put Cayden down for a nap, or keep any sort of schedule when there is another baby to look after? Trust me. There are hundreds of these questions and hypothetical situations that run through my brain each and every day. After reading her post, I realized that I was thinking about it in the wrong way. Instead of figuring out a way to do things the exact same way that I have been doing them, I really need to recalibrate my expectations. Maybe I won't get a shower in each and every day. Maybe my current ability to put Cayden in the car seat and run to the store will be different because there are two now. I need to realize that I can't expect things to be the exact same as they are now. Obviously that seems like common sense, but I had to really sit down and take that to heart. My expectations of how life will be need to change, just a bit.

With all of that said, she also wrote about stuff she "gets to do" vs. stuff she "has to do." I think it all goes together. Not only do I get to be a mom to Cayden, I also get to be a mom to Beckham. I get to stay home with both of them. I get to be there for each and every moment - the good, the bad, and the ugly. Because I get to stay home, I get to work on my spending habits. (ouch)

It's all about looking at things in a positive light - trust me, I can be a Debbie Downer, but I'm recalibrating my expectations.

Here's the deal: Our family has a tendency to make big changes, all at once. Consider the past two years. We got pregnant with Cayden, sold our house, moved into an apartment, built a house, had Cayden, and moved in. All within a year.

Stay tuned, Baby Beckham isn't the only major change coming to this household.

A Task a Day...

In the 16 days that I have been a "Stay-at-home-mom" I have discovered something about myself. I need a task. Oh, I don't mean things like cleaning, laundry, or any of those "other" things that have to be done. I mean like an outing, or a play date, something along those lines. I need a task so that I don't go stir crazy. Even if it is a run to Target or Walmart, something. Something to get me out and about.

Even in the last week, when I swear this baby had made up his mind to hang on until they have to go in for him, I need to get moving. I'm pooped, this is no lie. My back hurts, and sometimes I really just want to lay on the couch. But I've noticed that if we don't have a goal for the day, Cayden and I both seem a little more irritable, a little more cranky. This is just my observation, and let's also note that Beckham isn't here yet. This may all change in the next few weeks.

Here was our task today: We did clean a little, Jennifer came over, and then we decided to invite Millie to play. Not just play, but specifically to play with shaving cream. Cayden loves it, so I figured the more the merrier!

Why shouldn't a paintbrush full of shaving cream go in your hair?

Millie may not have been as enthused as Cayden. She was definitely a little more dainty about it.

Whereas Cayden, he jumps in feet first.

Millie liked watching him

"I'm gunna make him an offer he can't refuse..."

Towards the end she may not have been so excited about flying bits of shaving cream.
  Kristin and I mention the wonderfulness of living so close to friends. I know that in the next few weeks and months it's going to be even better. Millie's sister is four weeks old, and once Beckham gets here, the ease at which we can just go and hangout with no worries about what I look like will be stupendous. I'm not saying I'm throwing all personal hygiene out the window, but I get a pass for at least a month.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Update and Picture Dump

Week 37 and 38 Update: I have two theories. Most people have many theories about lots of things, but these particular theories of mine have to do with this baby and how/when he will get here. 

Theory One: It will be exactly like last time. I will dilate consistently, stop, and then they will induce. This is the most realistic plan. Week 36 at a 1+, week 37 a 2, week 38 a 3. See the pattern. With Cayden I stopped at four. 

Theory Two: I will start having contractions and by the time I get to the hospital, I will be so far dilated that an epidural is not happening. I consider this "worst case." You see with Cayden, I was at a four, was induced, had the epidural, and really minus the two hours of HORRIFIC pushing that felt like it was leading to no where - there wasn't much in the painful contractions department. With Theory Two - I sense more pain and a natural birth. 

**Kudos to those of your that choose natural birth. Everyone has their missions in life - drug free is not mine. ***

Anyway these are just theories. Things I speculate about in the wee hours of the morning when I have awoken to pee and can't go back to sleep for at least an hour. 

Wednesday night, the night before my doctor's appointment, I started having mild contractions. I knew they weren't strong enough to warrant a trip to the hospital, but they were very consistent for about three hours. It was enough to have me frantically packing a bag (Who does this beforehand, right?) and cleaning my house. Even though they were consistent I didn't want to haul my rotund body down to the triage and have them monitor me for hours only to tell me to go home. Yuck. I will also say that this puts me on the road for Theory One - because essentially the same thing happened with Cayden. 

Okay - You are updated. 

Here are some random pictures, most you've probably already seen on Facebook, but at least capture our summer thus far. 

This last one is one of my favorites. He has since had a haircut, but darn it if he didn't rock the shaggy look for a bit. 

Little Gym Celebration and Swim Lessons

Last week was a pretty full week for us, at least as far as activities goes. Cayden had swim lessons at the Swim Ranch for the second year, and then on Wednesday he had a Little Gym Celebration. 

Cayden isn't normally in social settings because he stays with my cousin - so it's not like he interacts with other kids his age on a regular basis. After joining Little Gym last summer, we decided to continue the classes for the school year to give him something to do. He LOVES it! He gets to run and play, sometimes follow directions, and hangout with other kids. Last week was kind of like an end of the school year party. 

He has never been unsocial. It may take him five minutes to warm up to a stranger, or someplace new, but after that he's usually good to go. Doing this once a week, he knows what the routine is, so the true social bug can come out. 

For the celebration they loosely went through a typical class so that family members can see what happens. Cayden just ran around as usual. 

 Giving the teacher a High Five.

 Climbing skills.

 Running skills.

 Medal Ceremony. He was not impressed. As soon as she put the medal on, it came off - and he was off and running again. 

 Millie was impressed with the medal. She snatched Cayden's away, and then they decided chairs were fun to play on. 

 A Group Photo of 2 year olds. HILARIOUS!!! It was one of the funniest things to watch. Cayden plopped down front and center - and while others were crying, running, escaping, or cheesing it up, he just sat there waiting. Without his medal - because he couldn't be bothered to put it on.  

Stamp Time is probably his favorite. He gets one on each hand and foot. So, four total stamps. He likes to show them off as well!
At the celebration they also had a professional photog there. I can't wait to see how those turn out!! Heath wasn't very impressed with the skeleton shirt Cayden wore for them! HA!

Back to swim lessons: No pictures. Thank goodness! At least for my part, no one needs or wants to see that. Cayden did great. He's pretty good at climbing in and out of the pool on his own, and better this year at kicking. We don't take the class thinking that he will be a swimmer anytime soon. It's really for peace of mind, and so he can get used to being in the water without freaking out. Not that he ever has, but hopefully the repetition of them will keep this from happening.